curl javascript python java ruby



The purpose of this document is to describe the various interfaces available on the TerraPay network for international money remittances and the associated services and transaction flows.


The Scope of this document is to give a detailed explanation on the APIs that are hosted on the TerraPay network and how partners can use these APIs to integrate into TerraPay to send transactions.


This document is to be used by

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms Abbreviations
IMT International Money Transfer
AML Anti Money Laundering
CFT Counter Financing of Terrorism
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
XML Extended Markup Language
HTTPS Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
POC Proof of Concept
TPS Transactions Per Second
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
VPN Virtual Private Network
S2S Site to Site
MNO Mobile Network Operator
MTO Money Transfer Operator
MMO Mobile Money Operator
FOREX Foreign Exchange Rate
SRC Source
DST Destination
MSISDN Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number
Bank A/C Bank Account
IBAN International Bank Account Number
IFSC Indian Financial System Code
SWIFT Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
SEPA Single EURO Payments Area
BIC Bank Identifier Code
KYC Know Your Customer
MNP Mobile Number Portability
AWS Amazon Web Services
DMZ De-Militarized Zone
RDS Relational Database Service (AWS)
REST Representational State Transfer
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GSMA GSM Association
LEI Legal Entity Identifier


Connectivity, Staging & Production

The TerraPay system is hosted on AWS across regions where available. A partner connecting to the TerraPay system will connect to the nearest AWS region which is in close proximity to the partner network. The TerraPay system is hosted as primary (PR) site, disaster recovery (DR) site and geographic redundancy (GR) site. TerraPay will connect to partner DR and GR systems to ensure service is not impacted when primary site is down.

Partner systems are allowed access to the TerraPay network through a secure VPN tunnel. This will be set up in both the PR and DR setups. Each of these will have two VPN tunnels, active and standby.

All the API interfaces between TerraPay and partner will be on HTTPS. TerraPay's inbound APIs are protected with a CA issued SSL certificate. Partner must also secure a CA issued SSL certificate for all APIs.

Partners integrate with TerraPay on the EIG (External Interface Gateway) which is hosted in the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) of the TerraPay network. Access to all inbound and outbound APIs will be provided on the TerraPay staging system for integration testing. After API testing and validations are done then partners will be migrated to live production systems.


The services offered by the TerraPay system can be broadly classified into:

Remit to Mobile

This service enables the sender to instantly send money to a beneficiary's mobile number. The money is credited to a payment instrument associated with the beneficiary's mobile number. This could be a mobile network operator wallet, a mobile money operator wallet, a bank wallet or a bank account which is mapped to the mobile number. TerraPay automatically routes the transaction through the available payment instrument.

A sender can initiate the money transfer from a mobile wallet, bank account or cash over the counter. This depends on the interfaces provided by the sending partner.

Remit to Bank

This service enables the sender to send money to a beneficiary's bank account. The money is credited to the beneficiary's bank account.

The sender can initiate the money transfer from a wallet, bank account or cash over the counter. This depends on the interfaces provided by the sending partner.

TerraPay APIs

This section describes the TerraPay API suite available for integration by send partners. These APIs allow send partners to use the services offered by TerraPay as described above. Before getting into the API details, the following section describes in brief the steps that are to be performed to exeucte a remittance transaction.

Basic Transaction Steps

NOTE: All API calls to the TerraPay Network should include the following HTTP Headers

X-USERNAME: "partnerUserName"

X-PASSWORD: "partnerPassWord"


X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: "Country Code in which the transaction is created. ISO Alpha 2 standard"

X-USERNAME, X-PASSWORD (SHA256 encoded) values will be shared with the Partner during the on boarding process on test and production environments separately. Username and Password is always case-insensitive.


The Inbound APIs will be used by sending partners to integrate with TerraPay to send transaction requests.

View Account Status

The Accounts Status API validates the status of the beneficiary wallet or bank account and also matches the name of the beneficiary provided by the sender with the name of the beneficiary registered on the wallet or the bank account. This service is available only in corridors where the receiving partner provides details of the beneficiary account such as the account state and beneficiary name. In cases where this information is not available TerraPay does basic validation on the mobile number and bank account format. The status enables the client to determine whether transactions can be received on the beneficiary account

View Account Status of a Mobile Wallet Try it

View Account Status of a Mobile Wallet

curl --location --request GET ' Robinson' \
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD:101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'X-DATE: 2017-05-03 11:00:00' \
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch(" Robinson", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = " Robinson"

headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request(""GET"", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .url(" Robinson")
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI(" Robinson")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "subStatus":"6000:Beneficiary MSISDN Validation Success", 

Failure Response :

        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"
        "errorDescription":"Beneficiary name does not match", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

GET /eig/gsma/accounts/msisdn/+234xxxxxxxxx/status?bnv=John%20Smith&provider=23401&snv=David%20Robinson HTTP/1.1

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Data type Requirement Field Length
msisdn Beneficiary MSISDN with country code. This corresponds to the mobile wallet to which funds are to be transferred. Eg. +91xxxxxxxxxx String Mandatory 10-18
bnv Full name of the beneficiary as registered with the wallet provider. This should be the complete name as per the KYC document provided during the registration process. String Mandatory 1-50
snv Full name of the sender as registered with the sender partner. This should be the complete name as per the KYC document provided during the registration process. String Optional 1-50
provider This is a code which indicates the mobile wallet to which the transaction is to be sent. This field is conditional.
If not set, TerraPay will automatically find the mobile wallet that the mobile number belongs to. The first preference will be for mobile wallets operated by mobile network operators (MNOs). The next preferences will be for mobile wallets operated by other PSPs.
If set, then TerraPay will validate the mobile number against the mobile wallet operator specified. In case the provider code does not match the mobile wallet operator the validation will be rejected.
NOTE: Mandatory for non-telco walletes. Optional for telco wallets.
Numeric Conditional 5-12

View Account Status of a Bank Account Try it

View Account Status of a Bank Account

curl --location --request GET '' \

--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16' \
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var raw = "";

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

payload = ""
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "subStatus":"6000:Beneficiary Bank Account Validation Success", 

Failure Response :

        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"

        "errorDescription":"Beneficiary name does not match", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

GET /eig/gsma/accounts/232698745623/status?bnv=John%20Smith&bankcode=CBKEKENX&bankname=CENTRAL%20BANK%20OF%20KENYA&country=US&provider=2549008&snv=David%20Robinson HTTP/1.1

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Data type Requirement Field Length
accountId Beneficiary bank account or IBAN number as applicable and required in the destination country for receiving funds. Eg. 2365417895 or AT483200000012345864. String Mandatory 5-50
bnv Full name of the beneficiary as registered with the bank. This should be the complete name as per the KYC document provided during the registration process. String Mandatory 1-50
snv Full name of the sender as registered with the sender partner. This should be the complete name as per the KYC document provided during the registration process. String Optional 1-50
bankcode Bank Code as required in the destination Country. It is the IFSC code for India and Swift BIC for all other countries.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 4-25
bankname Full name of the beneficiary bank String Mandatory 4-60
country ISO Alpha 2 country code of the destination country. Eg. NG for Nigeria String Mandatory 2
msisdn Beneficiary mobile number with country code.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 10-18
provider This is a code that indicates the bank to which the transaction is to be sent.This field is conditional.
If not set, then TerraPay will resolve the bank based on the bankcode. If the bankcode is incorrectly provided, then the bank will be resolved based on bank name (should match exactly as per the bank list shared by TerraPay over API). If these parameters do no match then the transaction will be rejected.
If set, then TerraPay will resolve the bank based on the provider code.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
Numeric Conditional 7-12
banksubcode This is a code that indicates the branch code of the specific bank to which the transaction is to be sent.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 11
accounttype Type of the bank account. Supported account types:
The default account type for p2p transactions is Savings.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 5
beneficiaryidtype Beneficiary's Id document type. String Optional 3
idnumber Beneficiary's Id document number. String Optional 5

Response Parameters

Parameter Description Data type Validation
status Indicates the status of the account. If 'available' then the account can receive funds. If not then transactions sent to the account will fail. String Enumeration = available, unavailable, unregistered
subStatus Property can be used to return a provider-specific status for the account. String
lei Indicates the Legal Entity Identifier of the organization holding the account. String Length = 20, Regular Expression

View Account Status of a Primary Account Number Try it

View Account Status of a Primary Account Number

curl --location --request GET '' \

--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16' \
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \
--header 'X-PAN: O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD1+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+2t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("X-PAN", "O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD1+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+2t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw==");

var raw = "";

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

payload = ""
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
'X-PAN': 'O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD1+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+2t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw=='

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("X-PAN", "O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD1OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw==")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["X-PAN"] = "O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD1OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw=="

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "subStatus":"6000:Validation Success", 

Failure Response :

        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"

        "errorDescription":"Beneficiary name does not match", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

GET /eig/gsma/accounts/pan/status?bnv=MAGALI%20DOLORES%20ORTIZ&country=PH&cardtype=credit HTTP/1.1
X-PAN: O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD1OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw==

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Data type Requirement Field Length
bnv Full name of the beneficiary as registered with the bank. This should be the complete name as per the KYC document provided during the registration process. String Mandatory 1-50
country ISO Alpha 2 country code of the destination country. Eg. NG for Nigeria String Mandatory 2
cardtype Beneficiary card type. Eg. credit/debit String Optional 5-10
X-PAN This HTTP header indicates beneficiary Primary Account number. The value is in encrypted format. TerraPay will share the public key. Partner need to encrypt PAN details using RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding algorithm. String Mandatory 512-1024

Response Parameters

Parameter Description Data type Validation
status Indicates the status of the account. If 'available' then the account can receive funds. If not then transactions sent to the account will fail. String Enumeration = available, unavailable, unregistered
subStatus Property can be used to return a provider-specific status for the account. String
lei Indicates the Legal Entity Identifier of the organization holding the account. String Length = 20, Regular Expression

Create a Quotation

The quotations API is used to obtain the foreign exchange rate between a currency pair.

URI format is: /quotations

Create a Quotation to Mobile Wallet Try it

Create a Quotation to Mobile Wallet

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16' \
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"requestDate": "2020-01-02 10:51:16",
   "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+4491509874561"

   "creditParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+256897378380"
  "requestAmount": "100",
  "requestCurrency": "USD",
   "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "USD",
      "receivingCurrency": "UGX"
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+9779840002320"
  "requestAmount": "500",
  "requestCurrency": "NPR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "USD",
      "receivingCurrency": "NPR"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+9779840002320"
  "requestAmount": "500",
  "requestCurrency": "NPR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "USD",
      "receivingCurrency": "NPR"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"requestDate\": \"2017-06-20 12:27:16\",\r\n    \"creditParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n            \"value\": \"+9779840002320\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"requestAmount\": \"500\",\r\n    \"requestCurrency\": \"NPR\",\r\n    \"quotes\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"sendingCurrency\": \"USD\",\r\n            \"receivingCurrency\": \"NPR\"\r\n        }\r\n    ]\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+9779840002320"
  "requestAmount": "500",
  "requestCurrency": "NPR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "USD",
      "receivingCurrency": "NPR"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "requestDate": "2017-05-03 11:00:00",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+4491509874561"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+25691508523697"
    "requestAmount": "100",
    "requestCurrency": "USD",
    "quotes": [
            "quoteId": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
            "quoteExpiryTime": "2017-05-03 11:28:00",
            "sendingAmount": "100.000000",
            "sendingCurrency": "EUR",
            "receivingAmount": "365217",
            "receivingCurrency": "UGX",
            "fxRate": "3652.173913"
    "quotationReference": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
    "quotationStatus": "2000:Quote Success"

Failure Response :

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00" 
    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Source amount is invalid",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00" 
    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Failed to get Forex rate",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00" 


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/quotations HTTP/1.1

Create a Quotation to Bank Account Try it

Create a Quotation to Bank Account

curl --location --request POST ''\
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16'\
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD:   101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "requestDate": "2017-05-03 11:00:00",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+4491509874561"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+25691508523697"
            "key": "bankaccountno",
            "value": "2356915085237"
            "key": "receivingCountry",
            "value": "NG"
    "requestAmount": "100",
    "requestCurrency": "EUR",
    "quotes": [
            "sendingCurrency": "EUR",
            "receivingCurrency": "UGX"
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "bankaccountno",
      "value": "50100002965304"
      "key": "receivingCountry",
      "value": "IN"
  "requestAmount": "500",
  "requestCurrency": "INR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "USD",
      "receivingCurrency": "INR"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "bankaccountno",
      "value": "50100002965304"
      "key": "receivingCountry",
      "value": "IN"
  "requestAmount": "500",
  "requestCurrency": "INR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "USD",
      "receivingCurrency": "INR"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"requestDate\": \"2017-06-20 12:27:16\",\r\n    \"creditParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n\t\t  \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n\t\t  \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\"key\": \"receivingCountry\",\r\n\t\t\t\"value\": \"IN\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n    ],\r\n    \"requestAmount\": \"500\",\r\n    \"requestCurrency\": \"INR\",\r\n    \"quotes\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"sendingCurrency\": \"USD\",\r\n            \"receivingCurrency\": \"INR\"\r\n        }\r\n    ]\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "bankaccountno",
      "value": "50100002965304"
      "key": "receivingCountry",
      "value": "IN"
  "requestAmount": "500",
  "requestCurrency": "INR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "USD",
      "receivingCurrency": "INR"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "requestDate": "2017-05-03 11:00:00",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+4491509874561"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+25691508523697"
            "key": "bankaccountno",
            "value": "2356915085237"
            "key": "receivingCountry",
            "value": "NG"
    "requestAmount": "100",
    "requestCurrency": "EUR",
    "quotes": [
            "quoteId": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
            "quoteExpiryTime": "2017-05-03 11:28:00",
            "sendingAmount": "100.000000",
            "sendingCurrency": "EUR",
            "receivingAmount": "365217",
            "receivingCurrency": "UGX",
            "fxRate": "3652.173913"
    "quotationReference": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
    "quotationStatus": "2000:Quote Success"

Failure Response :

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"
    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Source amount is invalid",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00" 
    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Failed to get Forex rate",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/quotations HTTP/1.1

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Data type Requirement Field Length
requestDate The creation date and time of the transaction as supplied by the client in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss DateTime Mandatory 19
requestAmount Requested quotation amount with precision of 2 decimal places String Mandatory 10,2
requestCurrency Currency of the requestAmount provided in ISO 4217 format. Eg. EUR.
If the requestCurrency is the source currency (EUR), then the requestAmount is taken as source amount and a forward quote is done so that the quote amount returned will be what the beneficiary will receive.
If the requestCurrency is the destination currency (UGX), then the requestAmount is taken as destination amount what the beneficiary wil receive and a reverse quote is done so that the quote amount returned will be what the sender has to pay.
String Mandatory 3
key msisdn String Optional 6
value Sender Mobile Number with country code. Eg.+91xxxxxxxxxx String Optional 10-18
creditParty :
key msisdn String Conditional 6
value Beneficiary Mobile Number with country code. Eg.+91xxxxxxxxxx. String Optional - For Bank Accounts Mandatory - For Mobile Wallet 10-18
key bankaccountno String Conditional 13
Value Beneficiary bank account or IBAN number as applicable and required in the destination country for receiving funds. Eg. 2365417895 or AT483200000012345864.. This key/value pair is optional if the transfer is to a mobile wallet. String Mandatory - For Bank Accounts Optional - For Mobile Wallet 5-50
key receivingCountry String Conditional 16
Value Destination country where the payout is to be made. To be specified in ISO Alpha 2 format. Eg. IN. String Mandatory - For Bank Accounts Optional - For Mobile Wallet 5-50
key pan String Conditional 3-5
Value This indicates beneficiary Primary Account number in encrypted format to which transaction is to be sent. TerraPay will share the public key. Partner need to encrypt PAN details using RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding algorithm. String Mandatory - For PAN and Optional - For bank and mobile wallets 512-1024
key cardtype String Optional 5-10
Value Beneficiary card type. Eg. credit/debit. String Optional 5-10
type The harmonized Transaction Type. Fixed default value "inttransfer" or "p2p" for person to person transfers. String Optional 11
quotes :
sendingCurrency Currency of the debitor in ISO 4217 format. Eg. EUR String Mandatory 3
receivingCurrency Currency of the creditor in ISO 4217 format. Eg. NGN String Mandatory 3

Response Parameters

Parameter Description Data Type
requestDate Timestamp as sent by the partner in the request API String
requestAmount Request Amount as sent by the partner in the request API String
requestCurrency Request currency as sent by the partner in the request API String
key msisdn String
value Sender Mobile Number as sent by the partner in the request API String
creditParty :
key msisdn String
value Beneficiary Mobile Number as sent by the partner in the request API String
key bankaccountno String
value Beneficiary bank account details as sent by the partner in the request API String
key receivingCountry String
value Destination country as sent by the partner in the request API String
quotes: The quotation object which has the foreign exchange rate and the source and destination amounts. The quotation reference should be used in the transaction as an acceptance of the exchange rate.
quoteId The unique id generated for this quotation request. This id is to be used in the create transaction request. String
quoteExpiryTime The time stamp after which the quote will not be valid. This is in partner local time based on the origin country of transaction String
sendingAmount Amount payable by the sender String
sendingCurrency Currency in which the sender will pay the sending amount String
receivingAmount Amount that the beneficiary will receive String
receivingCurrency Currency in which the beneficiary will receive funds String
fxRate Foreign Exchange rate applied on the quote including all markups String
quotationReference TerraPay Quote Reference String
quotationStatus Status of the quotation request. Format is ErrorCode:ErrorMessage String

Create a Quotation to PAN Try it

Create a Quotation to PAN

curl --location --request POST ''\
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16'\
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD:   101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
 "requestDate": "2017-05-03 11:00:00",
  "type": "p2p",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+4491509874561"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "pan",
            "value": "+O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+2t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw=="
            "key": "bankaccountno",
            "value": "2356915085237"
            "key": "receivingCountry",
            "value": "NG"
    "requestAmount": "100",
    "requestCurrency": "EUR",
    "quotes": [
            "sendingCurrency": "EUR",
            "receivingCurrency": "UGX"
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "type": "p2p",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+449150987456",
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "pan",
      "value": "O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+2t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw==""
  "requestAmount": "500",
  "requestCurrency": "EUR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "EUR",
      "receivingCurrency": "UGX"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "type": "p2p",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+4491509874561"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "pan",
      "value": "O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+2t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw=="
  "requestAmount": "100",
  "requestCurrency": "EUR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "EUR",
      "receivingCurrency": "UGX"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"requestDate\": \"2017-06-20 12:27:16\",\r\n    \"type\": \"p2p\",\r\n    \"debitParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n\t\t  \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n\t\t  \"value\": \"+4491509874561\"\r\n\t\t},\"creditParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n\t\t  \"key\": \"pan\",\r\n\t\t  \"value\": \O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+2t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw==\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n    \"requestAmount\": \"100\",\r\n    \"requestCurrency\": \"EUR\",\r\n    \"quotes\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"sendingCurrency\": \"EUR\",\r\n            \"receivingCurrency\": \"UGX\"\r\n        }\r\n    ]\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "UK")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "requestDate": "2017-06-20 12:27:16",
  "type": "p2p",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+4491509874561"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "pan",
      "value": "O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+2t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw=="
  "requestAmount": "100",
  "requestCurrency": "EUR",
  "quotes": [
      "sendingCurrency": "EUR>,
      "receivingCurrency": "UGX"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "requestDate": "2017-05-03 11:00:00",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+4491509874561"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+25691508523697"
            "key": "bankaccountno",
            "value": "2356915085237"
            "key": "receivingCountry",
            "value": "NG"
    "requestAmount": "100",
    "requestCurrency": "EUR",
    "quotes": [
            "quoteId": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
            "quoteExpiryTime": "2017-05-03 11:28:00",
            "sendingAmount": "100.000000",
            "sendingCurrency": "EUR",
            "receivingAmount": "365217",
            "receivingCurrency": "UGX",
            "fxRate": "3652.173913"
    "quotationReference": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
    "quotationStatus": "2000:Quote Success"

Failure Response :

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"
    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Source amount is invalid",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00" 
    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Failed to get Forex rate",
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/quotations HTTP/1.1

Create A Transaction

The Transactions API is used to initiate an international money remittance transaction.

URI format is: /transactions

Create a transaction to a Mobile Wallet Try it

Create a transaction to a Mobile Wallet

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16' \
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   "amount": "100000.01",
   "currency": "NGN",
   "type": "inttransfer",
   "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
   "requestDate": "2017-03-20T06:19:36.969Z",
   "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "partnerRefId1234",
   "provider": "23401",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+33472034605"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+23410706056"
    "senderKyc": {
        "nationality": "FR",
        "dateOfBirth": "1986-06-28",
        "gender": "M",
        "idDocument": [
                "idType": "nationalidcard",
                "idNumber": "123456789",
                "issueDate": "2003-09-26",
                "expiryDate": "2033-09-26",
                "issuerCountry": "FR"
        "postalAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "49 ",
            "addressLine2": "park street",
            "addressLine3": "walton's road",
            "city": "Lyon",
            "stateProvince": "Lyon",
            "postalCode": "123456",
            "country": "FR"
        "subjectName": {
            "title": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Einstein",
            "middleName": "James",
            "lastName": "Bela",
            "fullName": "Einstien James Bela"
        "nationality": "FR",
        "dateOfBirth": "1986-06-28",
        "idDocument": [
                "idType": "nationalidcard",
                "idNumber": "123456789",
                "issueDate": "2003-09-26",
                "expiryDate": "2033-09-26",
                "issuerCountry": "FR"
        "postalAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "49 ",
            "addressLine2": "park street",
            "addressLine3": "walton's road",
            "city": "Lyon",
            "stateProvince": "Lyon",
            "postalCode": "123456",
            "country": "FR"
        "subjectName": {
            "title": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Einstein",
            "middleName": "James",
            "lastName": "Bela",
            "fullName": "Einstien James Bela"
    "internationalTransferInformation": {
        "quoteId": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
        "receivingCountry": "NG",
        "remittancePurpose": "Gift",
        "sourceOfFunds": "Salary",
        "relationshipSender": "Brother"
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "text/plain");

var raw = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"NPR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId001\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+9779840002320\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"David\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Robinson\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"David Robinson\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QT037C1NQ6BHMV59A3\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"NP\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}";

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

payload = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"NPR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId001\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+9779840002320\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"David\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Robinson\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"David Robinson\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QT037C1NQ6BHMV59A3\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"NP\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'text/plain'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"NPR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId001\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+9779840002320\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"David\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Robinson\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"David Robinson\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QT037C1NQ6BHMV59A3\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"NP\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
request.body = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"NPR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId001\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+9779840002320\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"David\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Robinson\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"David Robinson\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QT037C1NQ6BHMV59A3\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"NP\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "amount": "100000.01",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "inttransfer",
    "requestDate": "2017-03-20T06:19:36.969Z",
    "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "partnerRefId1234",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+33472034605"
   "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+23410706056"
    "transactionStatus": "3050:Remit Acknowledged.",
    "transactionReference": "TPKM000000056269"  

Failure Response :

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Remit Failed.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/transactions HTTP/1.1

Create a transaction to bank Try it

Create a transaction to bank

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16' \
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD:101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   "amount": "100000.01",
   "currency": "NGN",
   "type": "inttransfer",
   "descriptionText": null,
   "requestDate": "2017-03-20T06:19:36.969Z",
   "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "4119314191318",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+27123456789"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "bankaccountno",
            "value": "718530346"
            "key": "sortcode",
            "value": "0001"
            "key": "organisationid",
            "value": "Nu Pagamentos"
            "key": "banksubcode",
            "value": "0001"
    "senderKyc": {
        "nationality": "FR",
        "dateOfBirth": "1986-06-28",
        "gender": "M",
        "idDocument": [
                "idType": "nationalidcard",
                "idNumber": "123456789",
                "issueDate": "2003-09-26",
                "expiryDate": "2033-09-26",
                "issuerCountry": "FR"
        "postalAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "49 ",
            "addressLine2": "park street",
            "addressLine3": "walton's road",
            "city": "Lyon",
            "stateProvince": "Lyon",
            "postalCode": "123456",
            "country": "FR"
        "subjectName": {
            "title": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Einstein ",
            "middleName": "James",
            "lastName": "Bela",
            "fullName": "Einstien James Bela"
    "recipientKyc": {
        "nationality": "FR",
        "dateOfBirth": "1986-06-28",
        "idDocument": [
                "idType": "nationalidcard",
                "idNumber": "123456789",
                "issueDate": "2003-09-26",
                "expiryDate": "2033-09-26",
                "issuerCountry": "FR"
        "postalAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "49 ",
            "addressLine2": "park street",
            "addressLine3": "walton's road",
            "city": "Lyon",
            "stateProvince": "Lyon",
            "postalCode": "123456",
            "country": "FR"
        "subjectName": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "fullName": "John Dave Smith"
    "internationalTransferInformation": {
        "quoteId": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
        "receivingCountry": "NG",
        "remittancePurpose": "Gift",
        "sourceOfFunds": "Salary",
        "relationshipSender": "Brother"
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "text/plain");

var raw = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId002\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n      \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}";

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

payload = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId002\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n      \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'text/plain'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId002\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n      \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
request.body = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId002\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n      \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "amount": "100000.01",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "inttransfer",
    "requestDate": "2017-03-20T06:19:36.969Z",
    "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "partnerRefId1234",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+33472034605"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+23410706056"
    "transactionStatus": "3050:Remit Acknowledged.",
    "transactionReference": "TPKM000000056269"  

Failure Response :

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Remit Failed.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/transactions HTTP/1.1

Create a transaction to PAN Try it

Create a transaction to PAN

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16' \
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD:101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   "amount": "100000.01",
   "currency": "NGN",
   "type": "inttransfer",
   "descriptionText": null,
   "requestDate": "2017-03-20T06:19:36.969Z",
   "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "4119314191318",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+27123456789"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "pan",
            "value": "O+UJqWvJ3YFqUB0hWs3UkCE5/o7LyINi4egxdO8rZUZQjNrUCk+yWoAfKf+ifZSjDaTUd7yGvq2g7RhuRP6p5iWFH6PNCE85fmbi/YTwAxM4lnCMgg5UbrLxB632b1ZvgglboSNmj1VA9XnWOyDWxIsfyD1+OLjxoDBjfU0B2dAh3SJyyOsCjZEfNe+TtH6TygElhSUwBl0WgkRQzicE3GN3qyetIJU2LsXONHMplO3ZXKjGx7NPwtUgL9clXL+t2WFo9Brh9wvaL3X4WtE8teqhryrTjqZ3OvKQgACyYY733sVWlhwV9i2/IPGcPijHQPmrMtT1L7ceL2mVpqckw=="
            "key": "cardtype",
            "value": "credit"
    "senderKyc": {
        "nationality": "FR",
        "dateOfBirth": "1986-06-28",
        "gender": "M",
        "idDocument": [
                "idType": "nationalidcard",
                "idNumber": "123456789",
                "issueDate": "2003-09-26",
                "expiryDate": "2033-09-26",
                "issuerCountry": "FR"
        "postalAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "49 ",
            "addressLine2": "park street",
            "addressLine3": "walton's road",
            "city": "Lyon",
            "stateProvince": "Lyon",
            "postalCode": "123456",
            "country": "FR"
        "subjectName": {
            "title": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Einstein ",
            "middleName": "James",
            "lastName": "Bela",
            "fullName": "Einstien James Bela"
    "recipientKyc": {
        "nationality": "FR",
        "dateOfBirth": "1986-06-28",
        "idDocument": [
                "idType": "nationalidcard",
                "idNumber": "123456789",
                "issueDate": "2003-09-26",
                "expiryDate": "2033-09-26",
                "issuerCountry": "FR"
        "postalAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "49 ",
            "addressLine2": "park street",
            "addressLine3": "walton's road",
            "city": "Lyon",
            "stateProvince": "Lyon",
            "postalCode": "123456",
            "country": "FR"
        "subjectName": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "fullName": "John Dave Smith"
    "internationalTransferInformation": {
        "quoteId": "QT037fQXs3LGWXea4",
        "receivingCountry": "NG",
        "remittancePurpose": "Gift",
        "sourceOfFunds": "Salary",
        "relationshipSender": "Brother"
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "text/plain");

var raw = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId002\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n      \"value\": \"\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n      \"value\": \"\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n      \"value\": \"\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}";

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

payload = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId002\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n      \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'text/plain'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId002\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n      \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n      \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
request.body = "{\r\n  \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n  \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n  \"type\": \"inttransfer\",\r\n  \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n  \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n  \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId002\",\r\n  \"debitParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n      \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"creditParty\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n      \"value\": \"\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n      \"value\": \"\"\r\n    },\r\n    {\r\n      \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n      \"value\": \"\"\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"senderKyc\": {\r\n    \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n    \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n    \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n    \"idDocument\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n        \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n        \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n        \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n      }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"postalAddress\": {\r\n      \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n      \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n      \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n      \"city\": \"12\",\r\n      \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n      \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n      \"country\": \"US\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n      \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n    \"subjectName\": {\r\n      \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n      \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n      \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n    \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n    \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n    \"remittancePurpose\": \"Family Maintenance\",\r\n    \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Salary\",\r\n    \"relationshipSender\": \"Brother\"\r\n  }\r\n}"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

    "amount": "100000.01",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "inttransfer",
    "requestDate": "2017-03-20T06:19:36.969Z",
    "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "partnerRefId1234",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+33472034605"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+23410706056"
    "transactionStatus": "3050:Remit Acknowledged.",
    "transactionReference": "TPKM000000056269"  

Failure Response :

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Remit Failed.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


POST /eig/gsma/transactions HTTP/1.1

Create transaction request parameter list

Request parameter list

Parameter Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
requestDate The creation date and time of the transaction as supplied by the client in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss String Mandatory 19
amount Destination amount payable to the beneficiary with precision of 2 decimal places. String Mandatory 10,2
currency Destination amount currency in ISO 4217 format. Eg. NGN String Mandatory 3
type The harmonized Transaction Type. Fixed default value "inttransfer" or "p2p" for person to person transfers. String Mandatory 11
descriptionText Free format text description of the transaction provided by the client. This can be provided as a message for the receiver on the account statement. String Optional 0-20
requestingOrganisationTransactionReference Unique Transaction reference generated by the sending partner. String Mandatory 4-50
provider Provider value should be same as sent in the validation request. If a different value is sent then the transaction will be rejected.
NOTE: Mandatory for non-telco walletes. Optional for telco wallets.
Numeric Optional 5-12
key msisdn String Mandatory 6
value Sender Mobile Number with country code. Eg. +91xxxxxxxxxx String Mandatory 10-18
key organisationid String Optional 14
value Full name of the sending organization String Optional 4-60
key bankaccountno String Optional 13
value Sender bank account or IBAN number or card number String Optional 5-50
key msisdn String Conditional 6
value Beneficiary Mobile Number with country code. String Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific. 10-18
key bankaccountno String Conditional 13
value Beneficiary bank account or IBAN number as applicable and required in the destination country for receiving funds. Eg. 2365417895 or AT483200000012345864. This key/value pair is optional if the transfer is to a mobile wallet. String Mandatory - For Bank Accounts and Optional - For Mobile Wallet and PAN 5-50
key accounttype String Optional 11
value Beneficiary bank account type. Supported account types:
The default account type for p2p transactions is Savings.
String Mandatory in certain destination countries for transfers to bank accounts. 0-20
key sortcode String Conditional 8
value Bank Code as required in the destination Country. It is the IFSC code for India and Swift BIC for all other countries. The requirement of this code is destination country specific. String Mandatory - For bank accounts and Optional - For mobile wallets and PAN 4-25
key organisationid String Conditional 14
value Full name of the beneficiary bank String Mandatory - For bank accounts and Optional - For mobile wallets and PAN 4-60
key banksubcode String Conditional 1-11
value This is a code that indicates the branch code of the specific bank to which the transaction is to be sent. String Mandatory - For bank accounts and Optional - For mobile wallets 1-10
key pan String Mandatory 3-5
value This indicates beneficiary Primary Account number in encrypted format to which transaction is to be sent. TerraPay will share the public key. Partner need to encrypt PAN details using RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding algorithm. String Mandatory - For PAN and Optional - For bank and mobile wallets 512-1024
key cardtype String Optional 5-10
value Beneficiary card type. Eg. credit/debit. String Optional 5-10
nationality Nationality of the sender in ISO Alpha-2 format. Eg. US String Mandatory 2
dateOfBirth Sender's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format String Mandatory 10
countryOfBirth Sender's country of birth in ISO Alpha-2 format. Eg. US String Optional 10
gender Sender's Gender. Enumeration = (M)ale, (F)emale, (U)nspecified String Optional 1
idType Sender's Id document type: For example nationalidcard, drivinglicense, passport, etc String Mandatory 1-20
idNumber Sender's Id document number. String Mandatory 1-30
issueDate Sender's Id document issue date in YYYY-MM-DD format. String Optional 10
expiryDate Sender's Id document expiry date in YYYY-MM-DD format. String Mandatory 10
issuerCountry Country where the Id document was issued in ISO Alpha-2 format. String Optional 2
addressLine1 First line of the address String Mandatory 4-20
addressLine2 Second line of the address String Optional 4-20
addressLine3 Third line of the address String Optional 4-20
city City/Town of sender's address String Mandatory 4-20
stateProvince State of sender's address
Note: State in ISO Alpha-2 format for transaction originated in US to Guatemala.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 2-20
postalCode Postal Code of sender's address.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 6-8
country Country in ISO Alpha-2 format String Mandatory 2
title Title of the Sender String Optional 0-6
firstName First name of the Sender String Mandatory 1-20
middleName Middle name of the Sender String Optional 0-50
lastName Last name of the Sender String Mandatory 1-20
fullName Full name of the Sender String Mandatory 1-50
nationality Nationality of the customer in ISO Alpha-2 format. Eg. US
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 2
dateOfBirth Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 10
idType Beneficiary's Id document as required in the destination country. Please click here for the list of required document in each country.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 1-20
idNumber Beneficiary's Id document number.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 1-30
issueDate Beneficiary's Id document issue date in YYYY-MM-DD format. String Optional 10
expiryDate Beneficiary's Id document expiry date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 10
issuerCountry Country where the Id document was issued in ISO Alpha-2 format. String Optional 2
addressLine1 First line of the address.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 4-20
addressLine2 Second line of the address String Optional 4-20
addressLine3 Third line of the address String Optional 4-20
city City/Town of beneficiary's address.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 4-20
stateProvince State of beneficiary's address String Optional 4-20
postalCode Postal Code of beneficiary's address String Conditional 6-8
country Country in ISO Alpha-2 format.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 2
firstName First name of the beneficiary String Mandatory 1-20
lastName Last name of the beneficiary String Mandatory 1-20
fullName Full name of the beneficiary String Mandatory 1-50
regionalbeneficiaryname Regional Beneficiary Name as per bank account (Japanese Language: Katakana) String Conditional 1-50
quoteId The specific quoteId to be used for the transaction. This quoteId is generated when a quotation is created and it is returned on the quotation response String Mandatory 16-20
receivingCountry Destination country where the payout is to be made. To be specified in ISO Alpha 2 format. Eg. NG String Mandatory 2
remittancePurpose Reason for the transfer. Please click here for accepted values. String Mandatory 4-30
sourceOfFunds Source of funds. Please click here for accepted values. String Mandatory 4-17
relationshipSender The relation between the sender and the beneficiary. Please click here for accepted values. String Mandatory 3-11

Response Parameters

Parameter Description Data Type
requestDate The creation date and time of the transaction as supplied by the client. String
amount Principle Transaction Amount. String
currency Currency of the principal transaction amount. String
type The harmonised Transaction Type String
requestingOrganisationTransactionReference Unique Transaction reference submitted by sending partner as part of request buffer. String
transactionStatus Indicates the status of the transaction String
transactionReference Unique reference for the transaction. This is returned in the response by TerraPay's system String
key msisdn String
value Sender Mobile Number as sent by the partner in the request API String
key msisdn String
value Beneficiary Mobile Number as sent by the partner in the request API String
key bankaccountno String
value Beneficiary bank account details as sent by the partner in the request API String

View A Transaction

The View Transactions API is used for looking up the status of a transaction already sent to the TerraPay system.

URI format is: /transactions/{transactionReference}

View Transaction Status to a Mobile Wallet Try it

View Transaction Status to a Mobile Wallet

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'\
--header 'X-USERNAME:terrapayuser' \
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b' \
--header 'X-DATE: 2020-01-02 10:51:16' \
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY: US' \

var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response

    "amount": "100000.01",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "inttransfer",
    "requestDate": "2017-03-20T06:19:36.969Z",
    "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "partnerRefId1234",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+33472034605"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+23410706056"
    "transactionStatus": "3000:Remit Success",
    "transactionReference": "TPKM000000056269"  

Failure Response :

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Remit Failed.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

GET /eig/gsma/transactions/TPKM000000056269 HTTP/1.1

View Transaction Status to a Bank Account Try it

View Transaction Status to a Bank Account

curl --location --request GET ' HTTP/1.1'\
--header  'Content-Type: application/json'\
--header  'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser '\
--header  'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
--header  'X-DATE: "2017-05-03 11:00:00'\
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response

    "amount": "100000.01",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "inttransfer",
    "requestDate": "2017-03-20T06:19:36.969Z",
    "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "partnerRefId1234",
    "debitParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+33472034605"
    "creditParty": [
            "key": "msisdn",
            "value": "+23410706056"
    "transactionStatus": "3000:Remit Success",
    "transactionReference": "TPKM000000056269"  

Failure Response:

    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"
    "error": {
        "errorDescription":"Remit Failed.", 
        "errorDateTime":"2017-05-02 11:00:00"


HTTP Request

GET /eig/gsma/transactions/TPKM000000056269 HTTP/1.1

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Data Type Requirement
transactionReference Unique reference for the transaction which was returned in the response of the createTransaction API or the unique reference generated by the partner's system and sent in the createTransaction API request. String Mandatory

Response Parameters

Parameter Description Data Type
requestDate The creation date and time of the transaction as supplied by the client. String
amount Principle Transaction Amount. String
currency Currency of the principal transaction amount. String
type The harmonised Transaction Type String
requestingOrganisationTransactionReference Unique Transaction reference generated by the sending partner. String
transactionStatus Indicates the status of the transaction String
transactionReference Unique reference for the transaction. This is returned in the response by TerraPay's system String
key The name of the debitparty account identifier String
value Keys include mobile wallet and bank account identifiers String
key The name of the creditparty account identifier String
value Keys include mobile wallet and bank account identifiers String

Ledger Balance

The ledger balance API is used for get the current balance in the partner's ledger. The balance can be retrieved for all ledgers or ledgers of a specific currency. The ledger balance is retrieved only if the ledger is active.

URI format is: accounts/{currency}/balance

Get Balance of all ledgers

curl --location --request GET ''\
--header 'X-USERNAME:terrapayuser '\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
--header 'X-DATE: 2017-05-03 11:00:00'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json '
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

        "currency": "USD",
        "currentBalance": "1000.000000",
        "status": "available"
        "currency": "NGN",
        "currentBalance": "3000000.000000",
        "status": "available"
        "currency": "TZS",
        "currentBalance": "1000000.000000",
        "status": "available"

Get Balance of ledgers of single currency

curl --location --request GET ''\
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser'\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
--header 'X-DATE: 2017-05-03 11:00:00'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response:

        "currency": "USD",
        "currentBalance": "1000.000000",
        "status": "available"

Get Balance of all ledgers Try it


HTTP Request

GET /eig/gsma/accounts/all/balance HTTP/1.1

Get Balance for a single currency ledger Try it


HTTP Request

GET /eig/gsma/accounts/USD/balance HTTP/1.1

Corridor Quotation

Corridor Quotation Try it

Corridor Quotation

curl --location --request GET' '\
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser'\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
--header 'X-DATE: 2017-05-03 11:00:00'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response

        "requestDate": "2017-10-18 09:27:16",
        "requestCurrency": "USD",
                "receivingServiceProvider": "GH",
                "receivingCurrency": "GHS",
                "fxRate": "4.966000"
                "receivingServiceProvider": "UG",
                "receivingCurrency": "UGX",
                "fxRate": "3728.000597"
            "quotationStatus": "9000:Success"

This API is used to get the foreign exchange rates for the prefunding currency corridors that are active for the partner

URI format is: /quotations/{prefunding_currency}


HTTP Request

GET /eig/gsma/quotations/USD HTTP/1.1

Cancel Transaction

Cancel Transaction Try it

Cancel Transaction

curl --location --request POST ''\
 --header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser'\
 --header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
 --header 'X-DATE: "2021-01-03 11:00:00'\
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json'\
        "reason": "cancelling",
        "txnId": "TPSE000000298941"

var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "reason": "cancelling",
  "txnId": "SrcTxnId001"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "reason": "cancelling",
  "txnId": "SrcTxnId001"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"reason\": \"cancelling\",\r\n    \"txnId\": \"SrcTxnId001\"\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "reason": "cancelling",
  "txnId": "SrcTxnId001"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response

  "responseMessage": "Cancel Success",
   "statusCode": "3033"

This API is used to cancel an initiated transaction which is not yet credited. The cancellation will be done only if the transaction is pending on the TerraPay system and has not already been sent to the receiving partner for credit to the beneficiary account


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/remitCancel HTTP/1.1

Cancel transaction request parameter list

Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement
txnId Reference for the transaction which was returned by transaction response buffer by TerraPay's system or partner transaction id. String Mandatory

Response code for cancel transactions

Response Code Response Message
3033 Cancel Success
15001 Cannot Cancel. Credit already in process.
15002 Cannot Cancel. Transaction in Success state.
15003 Cannot Cancel. Transaction in Fail state.
15004 Cannot Cancel. Transaction not found.
15005 Transaction already in canceled state.

Reverse Transaction

Reverse Transaction Try it

Reverse Transaction

curl --location --request POST ''\
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser'\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
--header 'X-DATE: 2021-01-03 11:00:00'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'\

  "reversalReason": "reversalreason",
  "txnId": "TPKM000000056269"

var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "reversalReason": "reversalreason",
  "txnId": "TPKM000000056269"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "reversalReason": "reversalreason",
  "txnId": "TPKM000000056269"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"reversalReason\": \"reversalreason\",\r\n    \"txnId\": \"TPKM000000056269\"\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "reversalReason": "reversalreason",
  "txnId": "TPKM000000056269"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response

  "responseCode": "16003"
  "responseMessage": "Reversal Pending",
  "txnId": "TPYY000000783294"

Reverse Transaction is used to reverse a transfer which is to bring back the money from the beneficiary's account to the sender's account.


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/reversalInitiate HTTP/1.1

Reverse transaction response parameter list

Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement
txnId Reference for the transaction which was returned by transaction response buffer by TerraPay's system or partner transaction id. String Mandatory

Response code for reversal transactions

Response Code Response Message
16000 Reversal Success.
16001 Reversal Failed. Transaction Not found.
16002 Reversal Rejected.
16003 Reversal Pending.
16004 Reversal cannot be done at this stage
16005 Reversal already raised.
16006 Transaction already reversed.
16007 Reverse cannot be done. Transaction is in failed state.

Statements API



        "timestamp": "2020-04-29T13:00:00Z",
        "type": "LIQUIDITY",
        "internalRef": "TP000000000",
        "externalRef": "",
        "amount": "1000.00",
        "currency": "USD",
        "convertedAmount": "",
        "convertedCurrency": "",
        "balance": "1000.00",
        "message": "Transfer with reference 123456"
        "timestamp": "2020-05-22T09:12:42Z",
        "type": "TRANSFERRED",
        "internalRef": "TP000000001",
        "externalRef": "TW000000000",
        "amount": "10.12",
        "currency": "USD",
        "convertedAmount": "38280.09",
        "convertedCurrency": "UGX",
        "balance": "989.88",
        "message": "3000:Remit Success"
        "timestamp": "2020-05-22T10:15:55Z",
        "type": "REJECTED",
        "internalRef": "TP000000002",
        "externalRef": "TW000000001",
        "amount": "8.62",
        "currency": "USD",
        "convertedAmount": "19938.06",
        "convertedCurrency": "TZS",
        "balance": "989.88",
        "message": "3007:Beneficiary KYC validation failed"
        "timestamp": "2020-05-22T11:22:45Z",
        "type": "BOUNCED",
        "internalRef": "TP000000003",
        "externalRef": "TW000000000",
        "amount": "10.12",
        "currency": "USD",
        "convertedAmount": "38280.09",
        "convertedCurrency": "UGX",
        "balance": "1000.00",
        "message": "3103:Bank credit failed. Account name mismatch"

Statement Types


Represents successfully transferred transaction. Balance should be deleted


Represents transactions rejected by TerraPay. Balance shouldn't be changed. The reason of the rejection should be populated.


Represents bounced-back transactions. Balance should be credited. Happens when a beneficiary bank returns funds back to TerraPay due to incorrect details, etc.


Represents liquidity transactions sent to TerraPay. Balance should be credited.

Statement fields

Name Format Example Requirement Description
timestamp ISO 8601 UTC DateTime 2020-04-29T13:00:00Z Mandatory Transaction time
internalRef String TPKM000000056269 Mandatory TerraPay transaction reference
externalRef String 88440865645 Optional for LIQUIDITY mandatory for the rest Partner transaction reference
amount Decimal 123.45 Mandatory Transaction amount in balance currency
currency ISO 4217 three-letter code USD Mandatory Balance currency, USD
convertedAmount Decimal 4497.45 Optional for LIQUIDITY mandatory for the rest Converted amount sent to beneficiary
convertedCurrency ISO 4217 three-letter code TZS Optional for LIQUIDITY mandatory for the rest Currency of convertedAmount
balance Decimal 212455.87 Mandatory Balance value after the transaction
message String 3032:Remit Failed. Mandatory Extra transaction description should contain parseable reason for REJECTED and BOUNCED type

Statement's example

Description TimeStamp Type InternalRef ExternalRef Amount Currency Converted Amount Converted Currency Balance Message
Partner sends funds to TerraPay 2020-04-29T13:00:00Z LIQUIDITY TP000000000 1000.00 USD 1000.00 Transfer with reference 123456
Successful transfer for 38280.09 UGX 2020-05-22T09:12:42Z TRANSFERRED TP000000001 TW000000000 10.12 USD 38280.09 UGX 989.88 3000:Remit Success
Failed transfer for 19938.06 TZS 2020-05-22T10:15:55Z REJECTED TP000000002 TW000000001 8.62 USD 19938.06 TZS 989.88 Transfer with reference 123456
Previously successful transfer to UGX was returned to TerraPay 2020-05-22T11:22:45Z BOUNCED TP000000003 TW000000000 10.12 USD 38280.09 UGX 1000.00 3103:Bank credit failed. Account name mismatch


Statements should be accessible via HTTP GET request.

Sample URL


Request parameter

Name Format Example Requirement Description
start ISO 8601 UTC DateTime 2020-04-29T13:00:00Z mandatory Beginning of the query interval
end ISO 8601 UTC DateTime 2020-05-22T19:38:59Z mandatory End of the query interval

Request headers

Request must include standard TerraPay headers:


Response should contain list of statements in JSON format for the requested period.

Get Bank List

Get Bank List Try it

Get Bank List

curl --location --request GET ''\
--header 'X-USERNAME: username'\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: password'\
--header 'X-DATE:request datetime'\
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY:origincountry'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "OpenTurfDev");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "85d6dcc27d9fb21c7c346cdbcee2b56a84eba0f542a846de06658d2d094afd56");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var raw = "";

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

payload = ""
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'OpenTurfDev',
  'X-PASSWORD': '85d6dcc27d9fb21c7c346cdbcee2b56a84eba0f542a846de06658d2d094afd56',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "OpenTurfDev")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "85d6dcc27d9fb21c7c346cdbcee2b56a84eba0f542a846de06658d2d094afd56")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "OpenTurfDev"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "85d6dcc27d9fb21c7c346cdbcee2b56a84eba0f542a846de06658d2d094afd56"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response

    "countryCode": "BD",
    "lastUpdatedOn": "2021-01-12 21:40:00.051",
    "banks": [
        "bankName": "DUTCH BANGLA BANK LIMITED",
        "bankCode": "DBBLBDDH",
        "providerCode": "",
        "status": "ACTIVE"
        "bankName": "AGRANI BANK LTD",
        "bankCode": "AGBKBDDH",
        "providerCode": "",
        "status": "ACTIVE"

The Bank list API is used to derive a bank name, code, provider code, and status.

URI format is:{countrycode}


HTTP Request

GET /eig/getbanklist/BD HTTP/1.1

Bank List response parameter list

Parameter name Description Data Type
countryCode ISO Alpha 2 country code of the destination country. Eg. NG for Nigeria String
lastUpdatedOn last updated date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS format. String
bankName Full name of the beneficiary bank String
bankCode Bank Code as required in the destination Country. It can be one of: IFSC Code,Swift BIC. This code is specific to bank integration in each country and may be mandatory in certain destination countries String
providerCode This is a code that indicates the bank to which the transaction is to be sent. If not set, then TerraPay will resolve the bank based on the bankCode. If the bankCode is incorrectly provided, then the bank will be resolved based on Bank Name (should match exactly as per the bank list shared by TerraPay). If these parameters do no match then the transaction will be rejected. If set, then TerraPay will resolve the bank based on the provider code. Numeric
status Indicates the status of the account. If 'active' then the account can receive funds. If not then transactions sent to the account will fail. String

Get Wallet List

Get Wallet List Try it

Get Bank List

curl --location --request GET ''\
--header 'X-USERNAME: username'\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: password'\
--header 'X-DATE:request datetime'\
--header 'X-ORIGINCOUNTRY:origincountry'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "OpenTurfDev");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "85d6dcc27d9fb21c7c346cdbcee2b56a84eba0f542a846de06658d2d094afd56");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");

var raw = "";

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

payload = ""
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'OpenTurfDev',
  'X-PASSWORD': '85d6dcc27d9fb21c7c346cdbcee2b56a84eba0f542a846de06658d2d094afd56',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "OpenTurfDev")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "85d6dcc27d9fb21c7c346cdbcee2b56a84eba0f542a846de06658d2d094afd56")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "OpenTurfDev"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "85d6dcc27d9fb21c7c346cdbcee2b56a84eba0f542a846de06658d2d094afd56"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Success Response

    "countryCode": "BD",
    "wallets": [
        "walletName": "BKASH",
        "providerCode": "88001,        
	"walletName": "ROCKET",
        "providerCode": "88002,        
        "walletName": "NAGAD",
        "providerCode": "88003",
        } ]

The Wallet list API is used to derive wallet name and provider code.

URI format is:{countrycode}


HTTP Request

GET /eig/getwalletlist/BD HTTP/1.1

Wallet List response parameter list

Parameter name Description Data Type
countryCode ISO Alpha 2 country code of the destination country. Eg. NG for Nigeria String
walletName Name of the beneficiary wall String
providerCode This is a code that indicates the wallet to which the transaction is to be sent. If not set, then TerraPay will automatically find the mobile wallet that the mobile number belongs to. If these parameters do no match then the transaction will be rejected. If set, then TerraPay will validate the mobile number against the mobile wallet operator specified. Numeric

Create a Business Transaction

This API is used to create business transaction. This is similar to create a transaction with additional parameters required to conduct business transaction. Business transactions can be as follows:

The URI format is:/transactions

B2B transaction to a Bank

B2B transaction to a Bank Try it

B2B transcation to a bank

curl --location --request POST  ''\
--header 'X-USERNAME:terrapayuser '\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
--header 'X-DATE: 2018-03-12 09:00:00'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'\
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "b2b",
    "requestDate": "2020-01-02 10:51:16",
    "amount": "35500.00",
    "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
    "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "12345868378400387540",
    "sendingAmount": "35500.00",
    "payinCcyCode": "USD",
    "provider": "23401",
    "paymentMode": "Bank account",
    "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
    "paymentOption": "Account Credit",
    "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
    "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
    "debitParty": [
        "key": "msisdn",
        "value": "+4491509874561"
        "creditParty": [
        "key": "bankaccountno",
        "value": "1976010126"
        "key": "sortcode",
        "value": "CITINGLA"
        "key": "organisationid",
        "value": "Citi Bank"
        "key": "banksubcode",
        "value": "0001"
        "key": "bankBranchName",
        "value": "Citi Bank"
        "key": "accountName",
        "value": "Rajesh"
        "key": "accountIBAN",
        "value": "GB29NWBK60161331926819"
        "key": "accountAdditionalNo1",
        "value": "2656915085434"
        "senderKyc": {

        "recipientKyc": {

        "internationalTransferInformation": {
            "quoteId": "QT0FEO4OZZ28PLCA5",
            "receivingCountry": "NG",
            "remittancePurpose": "Advanced Goods Payments",
            "sourceOfFunds": "Savings"
    "business": {
        "senderKyc": {
            "businessName": "sample business",
            "businessAddress1": "walton's road",
            "businessAddressCity": "Lyon",
            "businessAddressCountryCode": "US",
            "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "US",
            "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
            "businessDescription": "Electronics",
            "businessCountryCode": "US",
            "businessRegistrationType": "b2b",
            "businessRegistrationNumber": "23123456789",
            "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2020-09-26",
            "businessIDValidThru": "2033-09-26"
        "recepientKyc": {
            "businessName": "oyugi randy",
            "businessPINCode": "123456",
            "businessAddress1": "24",
            "businessAddress2": "walton's road",
            "businessAddressCity": "newyork",
            "businessAddressState": "NYC",
            "businessAddressCountryCode": "NG",
            "businessAddressZip": "123456",
            "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "NG",
            "businessPrimaryContactNo": "232323212",
            "businessPrimaryContactNoType": "Mobile",
            "businessDescription": "Electronics wholesale",
            "businessEmail": "",
            "businessCountryCode": "NG",
            "businessRegistrationType": "b2b",
            "businessRegistrationNumber": "2312345678912",
            "businessRegistrationIssuedBy": "NYC_TRADE",
            "businessRegistrationIssuedAt": "NYC",
            "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2002-08-26",
            "businessIDValidThru": "2036-09-26",
            "typeofbusiness": "Electronics",
            "businessPObox": "12345",
            "businessMobile": "343234433"

var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "amount": "500",
  "currency": "INR",
  "type": "b2b",
  "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
  "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "SrcTxnId004",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+971810456234"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "bankaccountno",
      "value": "50100002965304"
      "key": "organisationid",
      "value": "HDFC Bank"
      "key": "sortcode",
      "value": "HDFC0001626"
  "senderKyc": {},
  "recipientKyc": {},
  "sendingAmount": "35500.00",
  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "business": {
    "senderKyc": {
      "businessName": "sample business",
      "businessAddress1": "alton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "Lyon",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics",
      "businessCountryCode": "US",
      "businessRegistrationType": "Private Limited Company",
      "businessRegistrationNumber": "23123456789",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
      "businessIDValidThru": "2033-09-26",
      "businessEmail": ""
    "recepientKyc": {
      "businessName": "Oyugi Randy Electric Sale Pvt. Ltd.",
      "businessPINCode": "123456",
      "businessAddress1": "24",
      "businessAddress2": "walton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "newyork",
      "businessAddressState": "NYC",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessAddressZip": "123456",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "232323212",
      "businessPrimaryContactNoType": "Mobile",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics wholesale",
      "businessEmail": "",
      "businessCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessRegistrationType": "Private Limited Company",
      "businessRegistrationNumber": "2312345678912",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedBy": "NYC_TRADE",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedAt": "NYC",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2002-08-26",
      "businessIDValidThru": "2036-09-26",
      "typeofbusiness": "Electronics",
      "businessPObox": "12345",
      "businessMobile": "343234433"
  "internationalTransferInformation": {
    "quoteId": "QR037C1NA1XDKDL53E",
    "receivingCountry": "IN",
    "remittancePurpose": "Business Travel",
    "sourceOfFunds": "Business Income",
    "relationshipSender": "Employer"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "amount": "500",
  "currency": "INR",
  "type": "b2b",
  "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
  "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "SrcTxnId004",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+971810456234"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "bankaccountno",
      "value": "50100002965304"
      "key": "organisationid",
      "value": "HDFC Bank"
      "key": "sortcode",
      "value": "HDFC0001626"
  "senderKyc": {},
  "recipientKyc": {},
  "sendingAmount": "35500.00",
  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "business": {
    "senderKyc": {
      "businessName": "sample business",
      "businessAddress1": "alton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "Lyon",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics",
      "businessCountryCode": "US",
      "businessRegistrationType": "Private Limited Company",
      "businessRegistrationNumber": "23123456789",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
      "businessIDValidThru": "2033-09-26",
      "businessEmail": ""
    "recepientKyc": {
      "businessName": "Oyugi Randy Electric Sale Pvt. Ltd.",
      "businessPINCode": "123456",
      "businessAddress1": "24",
      "businessAddress2": "walton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "newyork",
      "businessAddressState": "NYC",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessAddressZip": "123456",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "232323212",
      "businessPrimaryContactNoType": "Mobile",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics wholesale",
      "businessEmail": "",
      "businessCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessRegistrationType": "Private Limited Company",
      "businessRegistrationNumber": "2312345678912",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedBy": "NYC_TRADE",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedAt": "NYC",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2002-08-26",
      "businessIDValidThru": "2036-09-26",
      "typeofbusiness": "Electronics",
      "businessPObox": "12345",
      "businessMobile": "343234433"
  "internationalTransferInformation": {
    "quoteId": "QR037C1NA1XDKDL53E",
    "receivingCountry": "IN",
    "remittancePurpose": "Business Travel",
    "sourceOfFunds": "Business Income",
    "relationshipSender": "Employer"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n    \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n    \"type\": \"b2b\",\r\n    \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n    \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n    \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId004\",\r\n    \"debitParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n            \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"creditParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n            \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n            \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n            \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"senderKyc\": {},\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {},\r\n    \"sendingAmount\": \"35500.00\",\r\n    \"payinCcyCode\": \"USD\",\r\n    \"paymentMode\": \"cash\",\r\n    \"authenticationPartnerCode\": \"4534\",\r\n    \"paymentOption\": \"Mobile Wallet\",\r\n    \"sendingPartnerCode\": \"343432223\",\r\n    \"receivingPartnerCode\": \"343432223\",\r\n    \"business\": {\r\n        \"senderKyc\": {\r\n            \"businessName\": \"sample business\",\r\n            \"businessAddress1\": \"alton's road\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCity\": \"Lyon\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactNo\": \"3472034605\",\r\n            \"businessDescription\": \"Electronics\",\r\n            \"businessCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationType\": \"Private Limited Company\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"23123456789\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssueDate\": \"2001-09-26\",\r\n            \"businessIDValidThru\": \"2033-09-26\",\r\n            \"businessEmail\": \"\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"recepientKyc\": {\r\n            \"businessName\": \"Oyugi Randy Electric Sale Pvt. Ltd.\",\r\n            \"businessPINCode\": \"123456\",\r\n            \"businessAddress1\": \"24\",\r\n            \"businessAddress2\": \"walton's road\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCity\": \"newyork\",\r\n            \"businessAddressState\": \"NYC\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCountryCode\": \"NG\",\r\n            \"businessAddressZip\": \"123456\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactCountryCode\": \"NG\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactNo\": \"232323212\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactNoType\": \"Mobile\",\r\n            \"businessDescription\": \"Electronics wholesale\",\r\n            \"businessEmail\": \"\",\r\n            \"businessCountryCode\": \"NG\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationType\": \"Private Limited Company\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"2312345678912\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssuedBy\": \"NYC_TRADE\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssuedAt\": \"NYC\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssueDate\": \"2002-08-26\",\r\n            \"businessIDValidThru\": \"2036-09-26\",\r\n            \"typeofbusiness\": \"Electronics\",\r\n            \"businessPObox\": \"12345\",\r\n            \"businessMobile\": \"343234433\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n        \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA1XDKDL53E\",\r\n        \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n        \"remittancePurpose\": \"Business Travel\",\r\n        \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Business Income\",\r\n        \"relationshipSender\": \"Employer\"\r\n    }\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "amount": "500",
  "currency": "INR",
  "type": "b2b",
  "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
  "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "SrcTxnId004",
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      "value": "HDFC0001626"
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  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
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      "businessAddressCity": "Lyon",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "US",
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      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
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      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
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response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/transactions HTTP/1.1

B2P transaction to bank

B2P transaction to bank Try it

B2P transaction to bank

curl --location --request POST ''\
--header 'X-USERNAME:terrapayuser'\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
--header 'X-DATE: 2017-05-03 11:00:00'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'\
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    "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
    "debitParty": [
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        "value": "Citi Bank"
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        "value": "0001"
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        "value": "Citi Bank"
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        "value": "Rajesh"
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            "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
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var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
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  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
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      "value": "+971810456234"
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  "business": {
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      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
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      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
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    "relationshipSender": "Employer"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
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headers = {
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  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n    \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n    \"type\": \"b2p\",\r\n    \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n    \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n    \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId003\",\r\n    \"debitParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n            \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"creditParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n            \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n            \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n            \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"senderKyc\": {},\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n        \"subjectName\": {\r\n            \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n            \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n            \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    \"sendingAmount\": \"35500.00\",\r\n    \"payinCcyCode\": \"USD\",\r\n    \"paymentMode\": \"cash\",\r\n    \"authenticationPartnerCode\": \"4534\",\r\n    \"paymentOption\": \"Mobile Wallet\",\r\n    \"sendingPartnerCode\": \"343432223\",\r\n    \"receivingPartnerCode\": \"343432223\",\r\n    \"business\": {\r\n        \"senderKyc\": {\r\n            \"businessName\": \"sample business\",\r\n            \"businessAddress1\": \"alton's road\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCity\": \"Lyon\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactNo\": \"3472034605\",\r\n            \"businessDescription\": \"Electronics\",\r\n            \"businessCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationType\": \"Private Limited Company\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"23123456789\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssueDate\": \"2001-09-26\",\r\n            \"businessIDValidThru\": \"2033-09-26\",\r\n            \"businessEmail\":\"\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"recepientKyc\": {}\r\n    },\r\n    \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n        \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NZWQLJ42P1F\",\r\n        \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n        \"remittancePurpose\": \"Business Travel\",\r\n        \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Business Income\",\r\n        \"relationshipSender\": \"Employer\"\r\n    }\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
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  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
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      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
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    "relationshipSender": "Employer"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/transactions HTTP/1.1

B2P transaction to mobile wallet

B2P transaction to mobile wallet Try it

B2P transaction to mobile wallet

curl --location --request POST ''\
--header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser'\
--header 'X-PASSWORD: 101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b'\
--header 'X-DATE: 2019-08-25 12:00:00'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'\
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    "type": "b2p",
    "requestDate": "2020-01-02 10:51:16",
    "amount": "35500.00",
    "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
    "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "123458w8378400387553",
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    "provider": "23401",
    "paymentMode": "cash",
    "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
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    "debitParty": [
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            "remittancePurpose": "Business_Travel",
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    "business": {
        "senderKyc": {
            "businessName": "sample business",
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            "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
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            "businessRegistrationNumber": "23123456789",
            "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
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        "recepientKyc": {


var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
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  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
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  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+4491509874561"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+2349061114853"
  "senderKyc": {},
  "recipientKyc": {
    "subjectName": {
      "firstName": "Deepa",
      "lastName": "Jain",
      "fullName": "Deepa Jain"
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  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "business": {
    "senderKyc": {
      "businessName": "sample business",
      "businessAddress1": "alton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "Lyon",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics",
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      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
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    "quoteId": "QR037C1NZWQLJ42P1F",
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    "relationshipSender": "Employer"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "amount": "500",
  "currency": "INR",
  "type": "b2p",
  "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
  "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "SrcTxnId003",
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      "key": "msisdn",
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  "creditParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+2349061114853"
  "senderKyc": {},
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    "subjectName": {
      "firstName": "Deepa",
      "lastName": "Jain",
      "fullName": "Deepa Jain"
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  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "business": {
    "senderKyc": {
      "businessName": "sample business",
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      "businessAddressCity": "Lyon",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "US",
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      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics",
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      "businessRegistrationNumber": "23123456789",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
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      "businessEmail": ""
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    "quoteId": "QR037C1NZWQLJ42P1F",
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    "remittancePurpose": "Business Travel",
    "sourceOfFunds": "Business Income",
    "relationshipSender": "Employer"
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n    \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n    \"type\": \"b2p\",\r\n    \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n    \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n    \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId003\",\r\n    \"debitParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n\t\t\"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n\t\t\"value\": \"+4491509874561\"\r\n\t} \r\n    ],\r\n    \"creditParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n\t\t\"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n\t\t\"value\": \"+2349061114853\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n    ],\r\n    \"senderKyc\": {},\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {\r\n        \"subjectName\": {\r\n            \"firstName\": \"Deepa\",\r\n            \"lastName\": \"Jain\",\r\n            \"fullName\": \"Deepa Jain\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    \"sendingAmount\": \"35500.00\",\r\n    \"payinCcyCode\": \"USD\",\r\n    \"paymentMode\": \"cash\",\r\n    \"authenticationPartnerCode\": \"4534\",\r\n    \"paymentOption\": \"Mobile Wallet\",\r\n    \"sendingPartnerCode\": \"343432223\",\r\n    \"receivingPartnerCode\": \"343432223\",\r\n    \"business\": {\r\n        \"senderKyc\": {\r\n            \"businessName\": \"sample business\",\r\n            \"businessAddress1\": \"alton's road\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCity\": \"Lyon\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactNo\": \"3472034605\",\r\n            \"businessDescription\": \"Electronics\",\r\n            \"businessCountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationType\": \"Private Limited Company\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"23123456789\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssueDate\": \"2001-09-26\",\r\n            \"businessIDValidThru\": \"2033-09-26\",\r\n            \"businessEmail\":\"\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"recepientKyc\": {}\r\n    },\r\n    \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n        \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NZWQLJ42P1F\",\r\n        \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n        \"remittancePurpose\": \"Business Travel\",\r\n        \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Business Income\",\r\n        \"relationshipSender\": \"Employer\"\r\n    }\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "amount": "500",
  "currency": "INR",
  "type": "b2p",
  "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
  "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "SrcTxnId003",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+4491509874561"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+2349061114853"
  "senderKyc": {},
  "recipientKyc": {
    "subjectName": {
      "firstName": "Deepa",
      "lastName": "Jain",
      "fullName": "Deepa Jain"
  "sendingAmount": "35500.00",
  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "business": {
    "senderKyc": {
      "businessName": "sample business",
      "businessAddress1": "alton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "Lyon",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "US",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "3472034605",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics",
      "businessCountryCode": "US",
      "businessRegistrationType": "Private Limited Company",
      "businessRegistrationNumber": "23123456789",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2001-09-26",
      "businessIDValidThru": "2033-09-26",
      "businessEmail": ""
    "recepientKyc": {}
  "internationalTransferInformation": {
    "quoteId": "QR037C1NZWQLJ42P1F",
    "receivingCountry": "IN",
    "remittancePurpose": "Business Travel",
    "sourceOfFunds": "Business Income",
    "relationshipSender": "Employer"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/transactions HTTP/1.1

P2B transaction to bank

P2B transaction to bank Try it

P2B transaction to bank

 curl --location --request POST ''\
 --header 'X-USERNAME: terrapayuser'\
 --header 'X-PASSWORD:
--header 'X-DATE: 2017-05-03 11:00:00'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'\
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "p2b",
    "requestDate": "2020-01-02 10:51:16",
    "amount": "35500.00",
    "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
    "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "123458w8378400387553",
    "sendingAmount": "35500.00",
    "payinCcyCode": "USD",
    "provider": "23401",
    "paymentMode": "Bank account",
    "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
    "paymentOption": "Account Credit",
    "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
    "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
    "debitParty": [
        "key": "msisdn",
        "value": "+4491509874561"
        "creditParty": [
        "key": "bankaccountno",
        "value": "1976010126"
        "key": "sortcode",
        "value": "CITINGLA"
        "key": "organisationid",
        "value": "Citi Bank"
        "key": "banksubcode",
        "value": "0001"
        "key": "bankBranchName",
        "value": "Citi Bank"
        "key": "accountName",
        "value": "Rajesh"
        "key": "accountIBAN",
        "value": "GB29NWBK60161331926819"
        "key": "accountAdditionalNo1",
        "value": "2656915085434"
    "senderKyc": {
        "nationality": "US",
        "dateOfBirth": "1986-06-28",
        "gender": "M",
        "primaryContactCountryCode": "NG",
        "primaryContactNo": "2349061114853",
        "primaryContactNoType": "personal",
        "idDocument": [
                "idType": "nationalidcard",
                "idNumber": "123456789",
                "issueDate": "2003-09-26",
                "expiryDate": "2033-09-26",
                "issuerCountry": "US"
        "postalAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "49",
            "addressLine2": "park street",
            "addressLine3": "walton's road",
            "city": "Lyon",
            "stateProvince": "Lyon",
            "postalCode": "123456",
            "country": "US"
        "subjectName": {
            "title": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Einstein",
            "middleName": "James",
            "lastName": "Bela",
            "fullName": "Einstien James Bela"

        "quoteId": "QT0FEO4TUIMN33Z6B",
        "receivingCountry": "NG",
        "remittancePurpose": "Business profits to Parents",
        "sourceOfFunds": "Savings",
        "relationshipSender": "Brother"
    "business": {
        "senderKyc": {

        "recepientKyc": {
            "businessName": "oyugi randy",
            "businessPINCode": "123456",
            "businessAddress1": "24",
            "businessAddress2": "walton's road",
            "businessAddressCity": "newyork",
            "businessAddressState": "NYC",
            "businessAddressCountryCode": "NG",
            "businessAddressZip": "123456",
            "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "NG",
            "businessPrimaryContactNo": "232323212",
            "businessPrimaryContactNoType": "Mobile",
            "businessDescription": "Electronics wholesale",
            "businessEmail": "",
            "businessCountryCode": "NG",
            "businessRegistrationType": "p2b",
            "businessRegistrationNumber": "2312345678912",
            "businessRegistrationIssuedBy": "NYC_TRADE",
            "businessRegistrationIssuedAt": "NYC",
            "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2002-09-26",
            "businessIDValidThru": "2036-09-26",
            "typeofbusiness": "Electronics",
            "businessPObox": "12345",
            "businessMobile": "343234433"

var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser");
myHeaders.append("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b");
myHeaders.append("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16");
myHeaders.append("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "amount": "500",
  "currency": "INR",
  "type": "p2b",
  "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
  "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "SrcTxnId005",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+971810456234"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "bankaccountno",
      "value": "50100002965304"
      "key": "organisationid",
      "value": "HDFC Bank"
      "key": "sortcode",
      "value": "HDFC0001626"
  "senderKyc": {
    "nationality": "AE",
    "dateOfBirth": "1967-05-28",
    "gender": "M",
    "idDocument": [
        "idType": "VOTER_CARD",
        "idNumber": "13321115521",
        "issueDate": "1967-05-28",
        "expiryDate": "2067-05-28",
        "issuerCountry": "AE"
    "postalAddress": {
      "addressLine1": "49 , park street",
      "addressLine2": "12",
      "addressLine3": "12",
      "city": "12",
      "stateProvince": "12",
      "postalCode": "50000",
      "country": "US"
    "subjectName": {
      "firstName": "Test",
      "middleName": "",
      "lastName": "Sender2",
      "fullName": "Test Sender2"
  "recipientKyc": {},
  "sendingAmount": "35500.00",
  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "business": {
    "senderKyc": {},
    "recepientKyc": {
      "businessName": "Oyugi Randy Electric Sale Pvt. Ltd.",
      "businessPINCode": "123456",
      "businessAddress1": "24",
      "businessAddress2": "walton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "newyork",
      "businessAddressState": "NYC",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessAddressZip": "123456",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "232323212",
      "businessPrimaryContactNoType": "Mobile",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics wholesale",
      "businessEmail": "",
      "businessCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessRegistrationType": "Private Limited Company",
      "businessRegistrationNumber": "2312345678912",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedBy": "NYC_TRADE",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedAt": "NYC",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2002-08-26",
      "businessIDValidThru": "2036-09-26",
      "typeofbusiness": "Electronics",
      "businessPObox": "12345",
      "businessMobile": "343234433"
  "internationalTransferInformation": {
    "quoteId": "QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B",
    "receivingCountry": "IN",
    "remittancePurpose": "Business Travel",
    "sourceOfFunds": "Business Income",
    "relationshipSender": "Employer"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "amount": "500",
  "currency": "INR",
  "type": "p2b",
  "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
  "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "SrcTxnId005",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+971810456234"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "bankaccountno",
      "value": "50100002965304"
      "key": "organisationid",
      "value": "HDFC Bank"
      "key": "sortcode",
      "value": "HDFC0001626"
  "senderKyc": {
    "nationality": "AE",
    "dateOfBirth": "1967-05-28",
    "gender": "M",
    "idDocument": [
        "idType": "VOTER_CARD",
        "idNumber": "13321115521",
        "issueDate": "1967-05-28",
        "expiryDate": "2067-05-28",
        "issuerCountry": "AE"
    "postalAddress": {
      "addressLine1": "49 , park street",
      "addressLine2": "12",
      "addressLine3": "12",
      "city": "12",
      "stateProvince": "12",
      "postalCode": "50000",
      "country": "US"
    "subjectName": {
      "firstName": "Test",
      "middleName": "",
      "lastName": "Sender2",
      "fullName": "Test Sender2"
  "recipientKyc": {},
  "sendingAmount": "35500.00",
  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "business": {
    "senderKyc": {},
    "recepientKyc": {
      "businessName": "Oyugi Randy Electric Sale Pvt. Ltd.",
      "businessPINCode": "123456",
      "businessAddress1": "24",
      "businessAddress2": "walton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "newyork",
      "businessAddressState": "NYC",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessAddressZip": "123456",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "232323212",
      "businessPrimaryContactNoType": "Mobile",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics wholesale",
      "businessEmail": "",
      "businessCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessRegistrationType": "Private Limited Company",
      "businessRegistrationNumber": "2312345678912",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedBy": "NYC_TRADE",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedAt": "NYC",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2002-08-26",
      "businessIDValidThru": "2036-09-26",
      "typeofbusiness": "Electronics",
      "businessPObox": "12345",
      "businessMobile": "343234433"
  "internationalTransferInformation": {
    "quoteId": "QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B",
    "receivingCountry": "IN",
    "remittancePurpose": "Business Travel",
    "sourceOfFunds": "Business Income",
    "relationshipSender": "Employer"
headers = {
  'X-USERNAME': 'terrapayuser',
  'X-PASSWORD': '101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b',
  'X-DATE': '2018-04-04 09:27:16',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n    \"amount\": \"500\",\r\n    \"currency\": \"INR\",\r\n    \"type\": \"p2b\",\r\n    \"descriptionText\": \"Gift for my brother\",\r\n    \"requestDate\": \"2021-05-23 08:19:36\",\r\n    \"requestingOrganisationTransactionReference\": \"SrcTxnId005\",\r\n    \"debitParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"msisdn\",\r\n            \"value\": \"+971810456234\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"creditParty\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"bankaccountno\",\r\n            \"value\": \"50100002965304\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"organisationid\",\r\n            \"value\": \"HDFC Bank\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"key\": \"sortcode\",\r\n            \"value\": \"HDFC0001626\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"senderKyc\": {\r\n        \"nationality\": \"AE\",\r\n        \"dateOfBirth\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n        \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n        \"idDocument\": [\r\n            {\r\n                \"idType\": \"VOTER_CARD\",\r\n                \"idNumber\": \"13321115521\",\r\n                \"issueDate\": \"1967-05-28\",\r\n                \"expiryDate\": \"2067-05-28\",\r\n                \"issuerCountry\": \"AE\"\r\n            }\r\n        ],\r\n        \"postalAddress\": {\r\n            \"addressLine1\": \"49 , park street\",\r\n            \"addressLine2\": \"12\",\r\n            \"addressLine3\": \"12\",\r\n            \"city\": \"12\",\r\n            \"stateProvince\": \"12\",\r\n            \"postalCode\": \"50000\",\r\n            \"country\": \"US\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"subjectName\": {\r\n            \"firstName\": \"Test\",\r\n            \"middleName\": \"\",\r\n            \"lastName\": \"Sender2\",\r\n            \"fullName\": \"Test Sender2\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    \"recipientKyc\": {},\r\n    \"sendingAmount\": \"35500.00\",\r\n    \"payinCcyCode\": \"USD\",\r\n    \"paymentMode\": \"cash\",\r\n    \"authenticationPartnerCode\": \"4534\",\r\n    \"paymentOption\": \"Mobile Wallet\",\r\n    \"sendingPartnerCode\": \"343432223\",\r\n    \"receivingPartnerCode\": \"343432223\",\r\n    \"business\": {\r\n        \"senderKyc\": {},\r\n        \"recepientKyc\": {\r\n            \"businessName\": \"Oyugi Randy Electric Sale Pvt. Ltd.\",\r\n            \"businessPINCode\": \"123456\",\r\n            \"businessAddress1\": \"24\",\r\n            \"businessAddress2\": \"walton's road\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCity\": \"newyork\",\r\n            \"businessAddressState\": \"NYC\",\r\n            \"businessAddressCountryCode\": \"NG\",\r\n            \"businessAddressZip\": \"123456\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactCountryCode\": \"NG\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactNo\": \"232323212\",\r\n            \"businessPrimaryContactNoType\": \"Mobile\",\r\n            \"businessDescription\": \"Electronics wholesale\",\r\n            \"businessEmail\": \"\",\r\n            \"businessCountryCode\": \"NG\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationType\": \"Private Limited Company\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"2312345678912\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssuedBy\": \"NYC_TRADE\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssuedAt\": \"NYC\",\r\n            \"businessRegistrationIssueDate\": \"2002-08-26\",\r\n            \"businessIDValidThru\": \"2036-09-26\",\r\n            \"typeofbusiness\": \"Electronics\",\r\n            \"businessPObox\": \"12345\",\r\n            \"businessMobile\": \"343234433\"\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n    \"internationalTransferInformation\": {\r\n        \"quoteId\": \"QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B\",\r\n        \"receivingCountry\": \"IN\",\r\n        \"remittancePurpose\": \"Business Travel\",\r\n        \"sourceOfFunds\": \"Business Income\",\r\n        \"relationshipSender\": \"Employer\"\r\n    }\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("X-USERNAME", "terrapayuser")
  .addHeader("X-PASSWORD", "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b")
  .addHeader("X-DATE", "2018-04-04 09:27:16")
  .addHeader("X-ORIGINCOUNTRY", "US")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["X-USERNAME"] = "terrapayuser"
request["X-PASSWORD"] = "101dfd2422f23f06120b77ab17d39229ff9bb40563eae042bc6cc6e8f9f1825b"
request["X-DATE"] = "2018-04-04 09:27:16"
request["X-ORIGINCOUNTRY"] = "US"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "amount": "500",
  "currency": "INR",
  "type": "p2b",
  "descriptionText": "Gift for my brother",
  "requestDate": "2021-05-23 08:19:36",
  "requestingOrganisationTransactionReference": "SrcTxnId005",
  "debitParty": [
      "key": "msisdn",
      "value": "+971810456234"
  "creditParty": [
      "key": "bankaccountno",
      "value": "50100002965304"
      "key": "organisationid",
      "value": "HDFC Bank"
      "key": "sortcode",
      "value": "HDFC0001626"
  "senderKyc": {
    "nationality": "AE",
    "dateOfBirth": "1967-05-28",
    "gender": "M",
    "idDocument": [
        "idType": "VOTER_CARD",
        "idNumber": "13321115521",
        "issueDate": "1967-05-28",
        "expiryDate": "2067-05-28",
        "issuerCountry": "AE"
    "postalAddress": {
      "addressLine1": "49 , park street",
      "addressLine2": "12",
      "addressLine3": "12",
      "city": "12",
      "stateProvince": "12",
      "postalCode": "50000",
      "country": "US"
    "subjectName": {
      "firstName": "Test",
      "middleName": "",
      "lastName": "Sender2",
      "fullName": "Test Sender2"
  "recipientKyc": {},
  "sendingAmount": "35500.00",
  "payinCcyCode": "USD",
  "paymentMode": "cash",
  "authenticationPartnerCode": "4534",
  "paymentOption": "Mobile Wallet",
  "sendingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "receivingPartnerCode": "343432223",
  "business": {
    "senderKyc": {},
    "recepientKyc": {
      "businessName": "Oyugi Randy Electric Sale Pvt. Ltd.",
      "businessPINCode": "123456",
      "businessAddress1": "24",
      "businessAddress2": "walton's road",
      "businessAddressCity": "newyork",
      "businessAddressState": "NYC",
      "businessAddressCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessAddressZip": "123456",
      "businessPrimaryContactCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessPrimaryContactNo": "232323212",
      "businessPrimaryContactNoType": "Mobile",
      "businessDescription": "Electronics wholesale",
      "businessEmail": "",
      "businessCountryCode": "NG",
      "businessRegistrationType": "Private Limited Company",
      "businessRegistrationNumber": "2312345678912",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedBy": "NYC_TRADE",
      "businessRegistrationIssuedAt": "NYC",
      "businessRegistrationIssueDate": "2002-08-26",
      "businessIDValidThru": "2036-09-26",
      "typeofbusiness": "Electronics",
      "businessPObox": "12345",
      "businessMobile": "343234433"
  "internationalTransferInformation": {
    "quoteId": "QR037C1NA6ZXBSQ88B",
    "receivingCountry": "IN",
    "remittancePurpose": "Business Travel",
    "sourceOfFunds": "Business Income",
    "relationshipSender": "Employer"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


HTTP Request

POST /eig/gsma/transactions HTTP/1.1

Business transaction request parameter list

Business transaction request parameter list

Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
requestDate The creation date and time of the transaction as supplied by the sending partner in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format String Mandatory 19
amount Destination amount payable to the beneficiary with precision of 2 decimal places. String Mandatory 10,2
currency Destination amount currency in ISO 4217 format. Eg. NGN String Mandatory 3
type The harmonized Transaction Type. Fixed value - b2b, b2p, p2b String Mandatory 3
descriptionText Free format text description of the transaction provided by the client. This can be provided as a message for the receiver on the account statement. String Optional 0-20
requestingOrganisationTransactionReference Unique Transaction reference generated by the sending partner. String Mandatory 4-50
provider Provider value should be same as sent in the validation request. If a different value is sent then the transaction will be rejected.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
Numeric Conditional 5-12
sendingAmount Payin Amount with precision of 2 decimal places String Mandatory 10,2
payingCcyCode Payin Currency in ISO 4217 format. Eg. USD String Mandatory 3
paymentMode Type of Payment i.e. Cash, Card, Bank account or Others String Mandatory 0-20
authenticationPartnerCode Multi factor authentication partner code. Unique code with a combination of 4 letters of the Company's first name, Country Code, City Code String Optional 4-20
paymentOption Mobile Wallet/Account Credit String Mandatory 4-100
sendingPartnerCode Unique send partner code. Unique code with a combination of 4 letters of the Company's first name, Country Code, City Code String Optional 4-20
recievingPartnerCode Unique Receive Partner Code String Optional 4-20


Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
key msisdn String Mandatory 6
value Sender Mobile Number with country code. Eg. +91xxxxxxxxxx String Mandatory 10-18


Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
Key msisdn String Mandatory 6
Value Beneficiary wallet Number with country code. Eg.+91xxxxxxxxxx. String Optional - For Bank Accounts Mandatory - For Mobile Wallet 5-50
Key beneficiarySmsNotify String Optional 20
Value Status Update through SMS notification. Values are true or false. true indicates ntofication required. Notification will be sent for b2b and p2b transactions on BusinessMsisdn number (part of business receipient kyc) String Optional 4-5
Key bankaccountno String Conditional 13
Value Beneficiary bank account or IBAN number as applicable and required in the destination country for receiving funds. Eg. 2365417895 or AT483200000012345864. This key/value pair is optional if the transfer is to a mobile wallet. String Mandatory - For bank accounts Optional - For mobile wallets 5-50
Key accounttype String Optional 11
Value Type of the bank account. Supported account types:
The default account type for p2p transactions is Savings.
String 0-20
Key sortcode String Conditional 8
Value Bank Code as required in the destination Country. It is the IFSC code for India and Swift BIC for all other countries. The requirement of this code is destination country specific. String Mandatory - For bank accounts Optional - For mobile wallets 4-25
Key organisationid String Conditional 14
Value Full name of the beneficiary bank String Mandatory - For bank accounts Optional - For mobile wallets 4-60
Key banksubcode String Conditional 11
Value This is a code that indicates the branch code or routing code or routing number of the specific bank branch to which the transaction is to be sent. String Mandatory - For bank accounts Optional - For mobile wallets 1-10
Key accountIBAN String Conditional 11
Value Recieve Account IBAN Number for receiving funds. This should be the same as the value in bankaccountno. String Mandatory - For bank accounts Optional - For mobile wallets 13
Key accountAdditionalNo1 String Optional 20
Value If any additional accounts to be provided. String Optional 13
Key accountAdditionalNo2 String Optional 20
Value If any additional accounts to be provided. String Optional 13

senderKyc: Applicable for p2b type transactions

Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
nationality Nationality of the customer in ISO Alpha-2 format. Eg. US String Mandatory 2
dateOfBirth Sender's Date of Birth in YYYY-MM-DD format String Mandatory 10
gender Sender's Gender. Enumeration = (M)ale, (F)emale, (U)nspecified String Optional 1
primaryContactCountryCode Primary Contact Country Code String Mandatory 2
primaryContactNo Primary Contact Number String Mandatory 10-15
primaryContactNoType Primary Contact Number type i.e. Personal/Office String Mandatory 4-50


Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
idType Sender's Id document type: For example nationalidcard, drivinglicense, passport, etc String Mandatory 1-20
idNumber Sender's Id document number String Mandatory 1-30
issueDate Sender's Id document issue date in YYYY-MM-DD format. String Optional 10
expiryDate Sender's Id document expiry date in YYYY-MM-DD format. String Mandatory 10
issuerCountry Country where the identification type was issued in ISO Alpha-2 format. String Optional 2


Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
addressLine1 First line of the address String Mandatory 4-20
addressLine2 Second line of the address String Optional 4-20
addressLine3 Third line of the address String Optional 4-20
city City/Town of sender's address String Mandatory 4-20
stateProvince State of sender's address
Note: State in ISO Alpha-2 format for transaction originated in US to Guatemala.
Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 2-20
postalCode Postal Code of sender's address String Conditional 6-8
country Country in ISO Alpha-2 format String Mandatory 2


Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
title Title of the Sender String Optional 0-6
firstName First name of the Sender String Mandatory 1-20
middleName Middle name of the Sender String Optional 0-50
lastName Last name of the Sender String Mandatory 1-20
fullName Full name of the Sender String Mandatory 1-50

recipientKyc: Applicable for b2p type transactions

Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
nationality Nationality of the customer in ISO Alpha-2 format. Eg. US String Optional 2
dateOfBirth Beneficiary's Date of Birth in YYYY-MM-DD format String Optional 10
gender Beneficiary's Gender. Enumeration = (M)ale, (F)emale, (U)nspecified String Optional 1


Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
firstName First name of the beneficiary String Mandatory 1-20
lastName Last name of the beneficiary String Mandatory 1-20
fullName Full name of the beneficiary String Mandatory 1-50
regionalbeneficiaryname Regional Beneficiary Name as per bank account (Japanese language: Katakana) String Conditional 1-50


Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
idType Beneficiary's Id document as required in the destination country. Please click here for the list of required document in each country.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 1-20
idNumber Beneficiary's Id document number.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 1-30
issueDate Beneficiary's Id document issue date in YYYY-MM-DD format. String Optional 10
expiryDate Beneficiary's Id document expiry date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 10
issuerCountry Country where the identification type was issued in ISO Alpha-2 format. String Optional 2


Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
quoteId The specific quoteId to be used for the transaction. This quoteId is generated when a quotation is created and it is returned on the quotation response String Mandatory 16-20
receivingCountry Destination country where the payout is to be made. To be specified in ISO Alpha 2 format. Eg. NG String Mandatory 2
remittancePurpose Reason for the transfer. Click here to find the accepted values. String Mandatory 4-30
sourceOfFunds Source of funds. String Mandatory 4-17
relationshipSender The relation between the sender and the beneficiary. String Optional 3-11

businesssenderKyc: Applicable for b2p and b2b business transactions

Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
businessName Company Name String Mandatory 4-180
businessPINCode Company Pin Code String Optional 2-20
businessAddress1 Registered Address 1 String Mandatory 4-20
businessAddress2 Registered Address 2 String Optional 4-20
businessAddressCity Registered City.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 4-20
businessAddressCountryCode Registered Country Code in ISO Alpha 2 standard String Optional 2
businessAddressZip Registered address Zip Code String Optional 4-20
businessPrimaryContactCountryCode Company Primary Contact Country Code in ISO Alpha 2 standard String Mandatory 2
businessPrimaryContactNo Company Primary Contact Number String Mandatory 10-15
businessDescription Short description of the business String Optional 0-100
businessEmail Company email id String Mandatory 0-100
businessCountryCode Company Country Code in ISO Alpha 2 standard String Mandatory 2
businessRegistrationType Type of Registration String Mandatory 4-100
businessRegistrationIssuedBy Company Incorporation Issued by String Optional 0-20
businessRegistrationIssuedAt Company Incorporation Issued at String Optional 0-20
businessRegistrationNumber Company Incorporation Number String Mandatory 4-20
businessRegistrationIssueDate Company Incorporation Issued Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. String Mandatory 10
businessIDValidThru Company Incorporation Expiry Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. String Mandatory 10

businessrecipientKyc: Applicable for p2b and b2b business transactions

Parameter name Description Data Type Requirement Field Length
businessName Company Name String Mandatory 4-180
businessPINCode Company Pin Code String Optional 2-20
businessAddress1 Registered Address 1 String Optional 4-20
businessAddress2 Registered Address 2 String Optional 4-20
businessAddressCity Registered City String Optional 4-20
businessAddressState Registered State String Optional 4-20
businessAddressCountryCode Registered Country Code in ISO Alpha 2 standard String Mandatory 2
businessAddressZip Registered address Zip Code String Optional 4-20
businessPrimaryContactCountryCode Company Primary contact country code in ISO Alpha 2 standard String Optional 2
businessPrimaryContactNo Company Primary Contact Number String Optional 10-15
businessPrimaryContactNoType Company Primary Contact Number type i.e. Personal/Office String Optional 4-50
businessDescription Short description of the business String Optional 0-100
businessEmail Company email id String Optional 0-100
businessCountryCode Company country code in ISO Alpha 2 standard String Optional 2
businessRegistrationType Type of Registration String Conditional 0-100
businessRegistrationNumber Company Incorporation Number.
Note: Mandatory/Optional requirement of this field is destination country specific.
String Conditional 0-20
businessRegistrationIssuedBy Company Incorporation Issued by String Optional 0-20
businessRegistrationIssuedAt Company Incorporation Issued at String Optional 0-20
businessRegistrationIssueDate Company Incorporation Issued Date String Mandatory 0-10
businessIDValidThru Company Incorporation Expiry Date String Optional 0-10
typeofbusiness Type of Company String Optional 0-20
business PO box Company PO Box String Optional 0-10
regionalBeneficiaryName Regional Beneficiary Name as per bank account (Japanese language: Katakana) String Conditional 1-50

Response Codes & Messages

Generic Response

Generic Response Code & Messages

Response Code Response Message Contact TerraPay Transaction Action Remarks/Comments
1000 Invalid [propertyName] No Retry Check for invalid request parameter(s)
1001 [propertyName] value should be between [minlength] to [maxlength] No Retry Check for invalid request parameter(s)
1002 [propertyName] must be [length] No Retry Check for invalid request parameter(s)
1003 Authentication failed. Username or Password is incorrect. Yes Retry Contact TerraPay operations team for valid username and password.
1004 Invalid parameters in the request No Retry Check for invalid request parameter(s).
1005 Mandatory fields are missing No Retry Check for invalid request parameter(s).
1006 Request SHA256 checksum mismatch No Retry Check for invalid checksum sent with request.
1007 Server is busy. Please do a status enquiry to check if your transactions reached TerraPay. No Status check Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
1010 Source country not allowed Yes Retry Operation team needs to check source country configuration.
1011 Destination country not allowed Yes Retry Operation team needs to check destination country configuration.
1012 Source currency not allowed Yes Retry Operation team needs to check source currency configuration.
1013 Destination currency not allowed Yes Retry Operation team needs to check destination currency configuration.
1014 Source country inactive Yes Retry Operation team needs to check source country configuration.
1015 Destination country inactive Yes Retry Operation team needs to check destination country configuration.
1016 Failed to get destination partner Yes Retry Operation team needs to check corridor configuration.
1017 Source partner validity fail Yes Retry operations team needs to extend validity of source partner in system.
1018 Destination partner validity fail Yes Retry operations team needs to extend validity of destination partner in system.
1019 Source partner suspended Yes Retry operations team needs to check activation status of partner.
1020 Destination partner suspended Yes Retry operations team needs to check activation status of partner.
1021 Source partner inactive Yes Retry operations team needs to check activation status of partner.
1022 Destination partner inactive Yes Retry operations team needs to check activation status of partner.
1023 Corridor validity failed Yes Retry operations team needs to check corridor validity.
1024 Corridor Suspended Yes Retry operations team needs to check corridor activation status.
1026 Source MSISDN not allowed. No Cancel Invalid source/sender's mobile number.
1027 Source MSISDN Blacklisted. No Cancel Source/sender's mobile number is black listed.
1028 Destination MSISDN not allowed. No Cancel Invalid destination mobile number.
1029 Destination MSISDN Blacklisted. No Cancel Destination mobile number is black listed.
1030 Corridor not exists Yes Retry Operation team needs to check corridor configuration.
1031 Source currency inactive Yes Retry Operation team needs to check currency configuration.
1032 Destination currency inactive Yes Retry Operation team needs to check currency configuration.
1046 Invalid Transaction ID. No Retry Check for transaction Id format (special characters).
1061 Destination Country Sanctioned. No Cancel Destination country is on sanction list.Transaction cannot be delievered.
1062 Source Country Sanctioned. No Cancel Source country is on sanctionlist. Transaction cannot be delievered.
1073 Routing Failed. Yes Retry Route is inactive.Check with TerraPay operations team to enable the route and retry.

Beneficiary Validation Responses

Beneficiary Validation Responses Codes & Messages

Response Code Response Message Contact TerraPay Transaction Action Remarks/Comments
6000 Beneficiary MSISDN Validation Success No No Transaction validation is success.
6001 Corridor does not exists Yes Retry Operation team needs to check the corridor configuration.
6002 Corridor inactive Yes Retry Operation team needs to check the corridor configuration.
6003 Beneficiary MSISDN blacklisted No Cancel Beneficiary MSISDN has been blacklisted on TerraPay system..
6004 Beneficiary validation failed Yes Cancel Operation team needs to check.
6005 Beneficiary Registered but not KYCed No Cancel Beneficiary is registered with destination partner network with incomplete KYC details.
6006 Beneficiary MSISDN not found No Cancel Beneficiary is not registered with destination partner network.
6007 Beneficiary Suspended No Cancel Beneficiary is in suspended state on TerraPay system.
6008 Beneficiary name does not match No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6009 Beneficiary validation failed. Request timed out at destination partner Yes Retry Operation team needs to check the time out issue.
6010 Mandatory KYC parameter check failed Yes Retry Resend the transaction with required KYC parameters.
6011 Validation Failed. Beneficiary must register or upgrade KYC Level to receive transactions No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6012 Beneficiary KYC Verification Pending No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6013 Receiver Name Missing No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6014 Customer Not Registered No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6017 Beneficiary Account is locked No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6019 Destination Partner Timed Out - Please retry. Yes Retry Operation team needs to check time out issue.
6022 Beneficiary Account Inactive No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6020 Beneficiary Account is Inactive No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6101 Destination bank not configured Yes Retry Operation team needs to check configuration.
6102 Invalid Bank Account Number No Cancel Send the transaction with valid account number.
6103 Destination bank not reachable Yes Retry Operation team needs to check.
6104 Validation Failed at Destination Partner Yes Retry Operation team needs to check.
6105 BankSubCode is missing No Retry Retry with correct data.
6023 Provider code/bank subcode is missing No Cancel Send the transaction with valid provider code.
6024 Provider code does not match operator network No Cancel Send the transaction with valid provider code.
6025 Invalid UPI ID format No Cancel Send the transaction with valid UPI address.
6026 Bank UPI Not Supported No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6027 Incorrect IFSC Code No Retry Retry with correct data.
6028 Validation Penny Drop Service down Yes Retry Operation team needs to check.
6030 Account cannot be validated No Cancel Beneficiary validation failed.
6033 IMPS Node down Yes Retry Operation team needs to check.
6034 Unable to process request Yes Retry Operation team needs to check.
6035 Invalid response from partner Yes Retry Operation team needs to check.
6036 Invalid sort code No Retry Retry with correct data.

Quote Response

Quote Response Codes & Messages

Response Code Response Message Contact TerraPay Transaction Action Remarks/Comments
2000 Quote Success No No Quotation is success.
2001 Source amount is invalid No Retry Send correct/valid source amount with quote request.
2002 Beneficiary MSISDN validation failed No Cancel Beneficiary validation is in failure state for which quote request is initiated.
2003 Failed to get Forex rate Yes Retry Operation team needs to check rate configuration.

Remit Response

Remit Response Codes & Messages

Response Code Response Message Contact TerraPay Transaction Action Remarks/Comments
3000 Remit Success No No Transaction is in success state.
3050 Remit Acknowledged, status PENDING No Status check Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
3001 Transaction request should be current date. No Retry Correct the date in the request and retry the transaction with the same reference or id.
3002 Beneficiary Validation failed No Retry Beneficiary validation is in failure state. Send another validation request and then re-initiate the transaction.
3003 Transaction id is invalid No Retry Retry the status check with a valid partner or TerraPay transaction reference or id.
3004 Duplicate transaction Id No Status check There is already a transaction being processed with the same reference or id. Please do a status check to get an update
3005 Quote and Remit parameters do not match No Retry The amount sent in the transaction request does not match the amount returned back by the quotation response. Please chck and resend with correct details.
3006 Sender KYC validation failed No Cancel Transaction failed. Please reach out to compliance for further details.
3007 Beneficiary KYC validation failed No Cancel Transaction failed. Please reach out to compliance for further details.
3008 Quote expired No Cancel Initiate a new a quote request and then send a new transaction with the quote reference generated.
3009 Failed to process quote request Yes Retry Operation team needs to check the forex configuration
3010 Mandatory KYC parameter check failed No Retry Check for sender's KYC parameters in remit request.
3011 Invalid Fx Rate Yes Retry Operation team needs to check the forex configuration
3022 Corridor validation failed Yes Retry Operation team needs to check the corridor configuration.
3030 Possible duplicate transaction received within configured time. Yes Retry Wait for sometime and send the transaction again.
3031 Connection timeout while connecting to destination partner Yes Retry Wait for sometime and send the transaction again.
3032 Remit failed Yes Cancel The transaction has failed.
3049 Remit Failed. Insufficient funds No Retry Check your balance at TerraPay and retry after balance is funded.
3060 Beneficiary daily transaction count limit reached No Cancel Beneficiary has reached the daily transaction count.
3061 Beneficiary weekly transaction count limit reached No Cancel Beneficiary has reached the weekly transaction count.
3062 Beneficiary monthly transaction count limit reached No Cancel Beneficiary has reached the monthly transaction count.
3072 Receiver Daily Transaction Limit Reached No Cancel Beneficiary daily transaction limit has reached.
3074 Beneficiary monthly transaction amount limit reached No Cancel Beneficiary monthly transaction amount limit reached.
3075 Sending Partner Min allowed amount check failed. No Cancel Sending partner is sending less than minimum configured transaction amount.
3076 Sending Partner Max allowed amount check failed. No Cancel Sending partner is sending more than maximum configured transaction amount.
3077 Receiving Partner Min allowed amount check failed. No Cancel Receiving partner is receiving less than minimum configured transaction amount.
3078 Receiving Partner Max allowed amount check failed. No Cancel Receiving partner is receiving more than maximum configured transaction amount.
3079 Sender Min allowed amount check failed. No Cancel Sender is sending less than minimum configured transaction amount.
3080 Sender Max allowed amount check failed. No Cancel Sender is sending more than maximum configured transaction amount.
3081 Receiver Min allowed amount check failed. No Cancel Beneficiary is receiving less than minimum configured transaction amount.
3082 Receiver Max allowed amount check failed. No Cancel Beneficiary is receiving more than maximum configured transaction amount.
3100 Credit Failed. Msisdn not found. No Cancel Transaction has failed due to invalid wallet account.
3101 Bank Credit Failed. Invalid Account. No Cancel Transaction has failed by bank due to invalid bank account.
3102 Bank Credit Failed. Bank Not Reachable. No Cancel Transaction failed by destination partner as bank is not reachable.
3103 Bank credit failed. Account name mismatch. No Cancel Transaction failed by bank due to account name mismatch.
3104 Bank credit failed. Transaction limit exceeded. No Cancel Transaction failed by bank as transaction limit exceeded.
3105 Bank credit failed. Transaction not permitted. No Cancel Transaction failed by bank as transaction is permitted.
3106 Bank credit failed. Unknown Error. No Cancel Transaction
3107 Invalid Amount Limit. No Cancel Transaction failed due to max limit per transaction.
3109 Insufficient funds in the receiving partner account. Yes Cancel Operation team needs to check the prefunding balance.
3110 Invalid Beneficiary Account No Cancel Transaction has failed due to invalid account.
3111 Beneficiary Account not Registered No Cancel Transaction has failed due to account not registed.
3113 Beneficiary Account Limit Reached. No Cancel Transaction failed due to transaction limit exceeded.
3114 Beneficiary Account Barred. No Cancel Transaction failed as account is Barred.
3115 Beneficiary Account Inactive No Cancel Transaction failed as account is inactive.
3116 Beneficiary Account Locked No Cancel Transaction failed as account is locked.
3117 Transfer type not supported No Cancel Please check the transfer type and retry the transaction with the correct Transfer type
3132 Remit Failed - Max retry limit reached. No Cancel Transaction failed as transaction limit exceeded.
3133 Sender KYC Sanctioned No Cancel Transaction failed as sender is on sanction list
3150 Transaction on hold due to compliance reason. Yes Status Check Check with TerraPay compliance team on additional complaince requirements.
3202 Remit failed No Cancel Rejected by destination bank.
3208 Reversal Pending Yes Status Check Reversal is pending for approval.Check with TerraPay Operations team.Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
3210 Invalid sort code No Cancel Invalid sort code
3211 Beneficiary Opt-in Pending No Status check Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
3212 Beneficiary Pending Cashout No Status check Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
3213 Beneficiary Pending Review No Status check Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
3214 Beneficiary Pending Registration No Status check Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
3215 Commercial Transaction Yes Retry Operation team needs to check with receive partner.
3216 Invalid Beneficiary contact details No Cancel Resend the transaction with valid beneficiary contact details.
3217 Beneficiary Unresponsive No Cancel Resend the transaction with valid beneficiary details.
3218 Beneficiary Pending Upgrade No Status check Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
3219 Beneficiary Pending Adjustment No Status check Call the status API till transaction status changes to success/failed.
3222 Invalid UPI amount. No Cancel The provided amount is not acceptable for UPI transaction.
3223 Transaction rejected at wallet operator. No Cancel Transaction rejected by the wallet operator. Please cancel and refund the sender.
3224 Transaction rejected due to compliance No Cancel Please cancel and refund the sender.
3225 Cancellation requested by the sender No Cancel Please cancel and refund the sender.
3226 Transaction rejected due to outage/downtime. No Cancel Please cancel and refund the sender.

Purpose, Source of Funds, and Relationship

Person To Person

P2P Purpose for Transaction

Sl. no. Purpose
1 Business Profits to Parents
2 Business Travel
3 Family Maintenance
4 Salary
5 Savings
6 Medical Expenses
7 Tuition Fees
8 Education Support
9 Gift
10 Home Improvement
11 Debt Settlement
12 Real Estate
13 Taxes

P2P Source of Funds

Sl. no. Source of Funds Proof
1 Salary
    Latest Bank statement
    ATM Withdrawal slip
    Loan Agreement
2 Savings
3 Lottery
4 Loan
5 Business Income
6 Others

P2P Relationship

Sl. no. Relationship
1 Self
2 Father
3 Mother
4 Spouse
5 Son
6 Daughter
7 Brother
8 Sister
9 Friend
10 Employer
11 Colleague

Person to Business

P2B Purpose for Transaction

Sl. no. Purpose
1 Advanced Goods Payments
2 Business profits to Parents
3 Business Travel
4 Charitable Donation
5 Conference or Training Fee
6 Employee Compensation
7 Events or Competition Participation Expenses
8 Export Goods Payments
9 Goods and Services
10 Goods Exported
11 Loan Repayment
12 Other Business
13 Other Business Services
14 Rent Property Expenses
15 Salary Payment
16 Software Export
17 Travel Cost Accomodation Cost
18 Travel Expenses

P2B Source of Funds

Sl. no. Source of Funds Proof
1 Salary
    Audited Financials
    Loan Agreement
    Invoice Copy
    Latest Bill
2 Savings
3 Lottery
4 Loan
5 Business Income
6 Business Profit
7 Settlement
8 Others

Business to Person

B2P Purpose for Transaction

Sl. no. Purpose
1 Advanced Goods Payments
2 Business profits to Parents
3 Business Travel
4 Charitable Donation
5 Conference or Training Fee
6 Employee Compensation
7 Events or Competition Participation Expenses
8 Export Goods Payments
9 Goods and Services
10 Goods Exported
11 Loan Repayment
12 Other Business
13 Other Business Services
14 Rent Property Expenses
15 Salary Payment
16 Software Export
17 Travel Cost Accomodation Cost
18 Travel Expenses

B2P Source of Funds

Sl. no. Source of Funds Proof
1 Salary
    Audited Financials
    Loan Agreement
    Invoice Copy
    Latest Bill
2 Savings
3 Lottery
4 Loan
5 Business Income
6 Business Profit
7 Settlement
8 Others

Business to Business

B2B Purpose for Transaction

Sl. no. Purpose
1 Advanced Goods Payments
2 Business profits to Parents
3 Business Travel
4 Charitable Donation
5 Conference or Training Fee
6 Employee Compensation
7 Events or Competition Participation Expenses
8 Export Goods Payments
9 Goods and Services
10 Goods Exported
11 Loan Repayment
12 Other Business
13 Other Business Services
14 Rent Property Expenses
15 Salary Payment
16 Software Export
17 Travel Cost Accomodation Cost
18 Travel Expenses

B2B Source of Funds

Sl. no. Source of Funds Proof
1 Salary
    Audited Financials
    Loan Agreement
    Invoice Copy
    Latest Bill
2 Savings
3 Lottery
4 Loan
5 Business Income
6 Business Profit
7 Settlement
8 Others

Country Specific Parameters list

Country Specific Parameters list:

Country Name Bank Details Beneficiary Details Remark
Australia Bank name, bank code,bank state branch code & bank account number. Beneficiary first name, last name, address, city, state, postalcode. 6 digit BSB code need to be requested from the sender.
Bangladesh 1. Bank name, bank account number and Routing number.
Beneficiary first name, last name. Routing numbers need to be requested from the sender.
Canada Bank name, bank account number & Routing number. Beneficiary first name, last name,Address,PostalCode, city and province 1. Bank name & 8 digit routing numbers (3 digit Bank code + 5 digit transit code ) need to be requested from the sender.
2. Transaction to province Quebec is not allowed.
China Static Bank name (UNION PAY), Provider code(CNUNIONPAY) & 16 digit card number. Beneficiary first name, last name & mobile number.
El Salvador,Nicaragua Bank name, bank account number & SWIFT/BIC code. Beneficiary first name, last name & mobile number.
India 1. Bank name, bank account number & IFSC code for IMPS, NEFT and RTGS payouts
2. Virtual Payment Address (VPA) and provider code (INUPI01)
Beneficiary first name, last name. IFSC code and Bank name to be requested from the sender.
Israel 1. Bank name, bank account number and Branch Code.
Beneficiary first name, last name. Branch Code need to be requested from the sender.
Jamaica Bank name, bank account number, account type, & Branch Code. Beneficiary first name, last name, address, city, stateProvince, country. Branch Code (5 digits) need to be requested from the sender.
LATAM Region
(Except Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala)
Bank name, bank code, bank account number, bank branch code, account type.
Note: 1. Account type is mandatory only for business transactions.
2. Branch code is mandatory for transaction to Brazil.
3. Provider code is mandatory for PIX key based transaction to Brazil.
- For Phone number code is BRI_PIX_T
- For E-mail code is BRI_PIX_E
- For Id Number code is BRI_PIX_C
- For Random pix key code is BRI_PIX_A
Beneficiary first name, last name, Beneficiary address, City, ID type & ID number.
  • Bank branch codes need to be requested from the sender.
  • Supported account types: Checking & Savings
  • Malaysia Bank name, bank account number & SWIFT/BIC code. Beneficiary first name, last name, mobile number
    Myanmar Bank name, bank account number & SWIFT/BIC code. Beneficiary first name, last name, mobile number,ID number, ID type
    Philippines 1. Bank name, bank account number & bank code
    2. For OFW payment provider code is PH_OFW
    Beneficiary first name, last name.
    Russia Bank name, bank account number & SWIFT/BIC code. Beneficiary first name, last name. Bank name & 9 digit SWIFT/BIC code need to be requested from the sender.
    SEPA Bank name and IBAN. Beneficiary first name, last name. Bank name need to be requested from the sender.
    South Africa Bank name, bank account number & SWIFT/BIC code. Beneficiary first name, last name & mobile number.
    South Korea Bank name, bank account number & SWIFT/BIC code. Beneficiary first name, last name, mobile number
    UAE Bank name, bank code & IBAN Beneficiary first name, last name, mobile number, Beneficiary address, City, Nationality, ID type , ID number & ID Expiry date
    UK 1. Bank name and IBAN.
    Bank name, bank account number & sort code.
    Beneficiary first name, last name. Bank name & sort code need to be requested from the sender.
    Ukraine IBAN. Beneficiary first name, last name, mobile number
    USA Bank name, SWIFT/BIC code, bank account number & Routing number. Beneficiary first name, last name. Bank name & 9 digit routing number need to be requested from the sender.
    Rest all country Bank name, bank account number & SWIFT/BIC code. Beneficiary first name, last name.

    Country Specific Recipient Documents

    Country Specific Recipient Documents

    Country Name ReceiverKYC IDType
    Argentina Tax ID No
    Bolivia Identity Card, Foreigner ID.
    Brazil CPF, CNPJ.
    Chile Tax ID No
    Colombia Citizenship card , NIT, Passport, Foreigner ID, Special Stay Permit.
    Costa Rica Identity Card, Legal Identity, Certificate of residence.
    Dominican Republic Identity Card, Tax ID No, Passport.
    Ecuador Identity Card, Tax ID No, Passport.
    Panama ID number.
    Paraguay Identity Card, Civil National Identity Card.
    Peru Citizen ID, Business ID, Foreign Resident ID, Passport.
    UAE GCC ID, Passport, National ID, and Emirates ID.
    Uruguay Identity Card, Tax ID No, Passport.


    TerraPay is a licensed digital payments infrastructure and solutions provider, paving the global payments highway. For more information about us, click here: